I do not run, I do not cry, I do not push

Luis Acerv
Responsible Business
2 min readSep 23, 2017

I’ve been inactive the last days, and that’s why the Mother Earth has punished our country in the last days.

It is very painful to see so many people suffer when they lose everything, and more when it comes to loved ones. But on the other hand it is comforting to feel the union of an entire country that in empathy gives everything for their brothers, their neighbors.

And that is what defines us not only to Mexicans but to all human beings, only that perhaps we forget about it most of the time.

In the air, one smells of hope mixed with fear and uncertainty. Fear that it seems that suddenly in a few months the forces of nature have turned on us and that tendency of the human being to think that his world is the whole world leads us to be fearful but stronger than ever.

We must learn, we must continue, but above all we must improve, because we are the memory of those who failed to survive, we must build a world like Mexico of the last days, where everyone works equally, shoulder to shoulder, giving everything by the neighbor

Why? because by quoting Stéphane Hessel:

“Of these principles and values, we have more need today than ever before. It forces us to watch all together so that our society is a society where we feel proud”.

