The Formerly Secret Way to Meet a Product Hunter & How One Tweet Can Give $100+ to Charity

Fredrik Olovsson
Responsible Business
4 min readNov 17, 2015
Got the Product Hunt sticker in February and am proud to put it on now.

Lots of founders wonder how they can get their product on Product Hunt. For those who know the basics, the question is how to find a Hunter with instant posting access. I was lucky to stumble upon a couple of them; here is how it happened.

Startup Weekend -> Blab -> Hunted

When Creddon started at Startup Weekend East Bay, one of the mentors was Furqan Rydhan, CTO of Blab. At the time, Blab had just been conceived and Furqan invited me to check it out. I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere and sense of community. Today I think it is cool to have been one of the first Blabbers!

Blab on May 12. I wish I had a screenshot of the layout with the four video streams next to each other, it looked funny. (You can see e.g. Ben Tossell and Eric Willis among the viewers.)

A couple of weeks went by and I noticed Jonas Daniels and Kiki Schirr were often blabbing and seemed like nice people. Then I assembled courage to ask if I could join the talk to get some feedback on Creddon.

In addition to feedback, I also got Hunted, because Jonas & Kiki liked Creddon. Furqan had actually offered to post Creddon too, so I had the luxury of choosing and with Kiki being the more active one, e.g. named among the Top-30 Hunters and having written The Product Hunt Manual, I went with her after asking Furqan.

No Longer a Secret

Since October 19, Blab is powering Product Hunt’s Live video AMAs, so my formerly secret hack is now pretty public, but probably just as powerful. Only remember to be polite, respect the Hunters (don’t be like this) and, first of all, make something good.

We Made It to the 100-Upvotes Club

Creddon was posted on Product Hunt on Oct. 13 by Kiki, who got up at 4.30 AM Eastern Time just to post us 💖.

Humbled by Kiki’s post. This may well be my fondest memory of the day!

We finished in 12/13th place (one product was later removed) out of ~30 . We hovered around 5th place until 7 AM, after which a few of the frontrunners entered the race. In terms of upvotes, we had 129 at midnight (and 145 now) 🙌.

Creddon’s votes (chart from

Slacktivism Can Be Powerful

About $200 had been raised for charity through tweets and retweets by midnight. The, a charity account related to the Indian actor Vijay tweeted in support of rebuilding Nepal, and eventually received 63 retweets.

@VijayFanCharity also asked its followers to check out Creddon and we can see that we got ten new users thanks to this. Those ten users have, to date, made 13 own tweets and received 31 retweets. The ripple effect may extend further, but we are already excited that one user could generate 1 + 63 + 13 + 31 = $108 to charity, simply by making a couple of tweets!

Sharing is caring: How @VijayFanCharity triggered $108 in donations.

New Features & B2B-Offering

We have added Facebook sharing as a new channel and the option to choose between a few photos for each charity when making a tweet/post.

Facebook for good
New photos to choose from

We are also thinking about more B2B-focused applications of the Creddon concept. Imagine a company would include in its newsletter to existing customers something along these lines: “We want to hear what you think about our [service/product]. Knowing that your time is precious, if you go here and tweet your thoughts about it, we will donate $XX to [this charity/a charity of your choice].

Everyone knows word of mouth is powerful and maybe your customers just need a little nudge to tell the world about you? Please let us know if you think it could be valuable with a service that made it easy to run and leverage that kind of charitable campaign.

Thank you,

Fredrik & Melinda

Visit to support a charity with a tweet or Facebook post. Every share generates donations, furnished by our sponsors.

My cofounder Melinda Dinh and I, with our mascots Polly & Tiger on Product Hunt launch day.



Fredrik Olovsson
Responsible Business

Developer, engineer, occasional editor and former startup generalist.