Responsible Energy Initiative India: Insight Log 1 | Introduction

Welcome to the Responsible Energy Initiative India insight log. As we approach completion of Phase Two of the initiative in India, having spent Phase One researching and producing the Case for Action report, we are conscious that we are learning and growing our collaboration as we go. This ‘Inquiry’ stage is all about uncovering the systemic enablers and barriers of responsible energy value chains in India, and building towards collaborative pilots that actively tackle the deeper issues.

We are producing this insight log at regular intervals as a way of sharing our learning in a timelier manner, being transparent about what we are experimenting with together, and inviting everyone to learn and collaborate with us. We are firm believers that to go far, we have to go together.

Who is this ‘we’? This first log entry is written by team members from the core partners of the India inquiry: Forum for the Future, World Resources Institute (WRI) India, and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). Subsequent entries will feature the core partners and insights from our expert partners, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre (BHRRC), Landesa, and the Initiative’s participants.

We also welcome entries from others who include people from renewable energy companies, investors, manufacturers, research and advocacy organisations. Please feel free to comment with learnings and questions you hold in this area, or if you’d rather chat or compare notes, do reach out to the programme manager Saksham Nijhawan at .


The Responsible Energy Initiative team



Responsible Energy Initiative
Responsible Energy Initiative

The Responsible Energy Initiative is a multi-year programme to ensure renewable energy in Asia achieves its full potential.