Towards a responsible renewable energy system in India

What is the value that renewable energy can create beyond mitigating climate change?

Participants of the Responsible Energy Initiative (India) — leading international and national stakeholders in India’s renewable energy system, including investors, lenders, developers, manufacturers, buyers, associations and think tanks— over the last year, come together build their vision and guiding principles for a responsible renewable energy system in India.

The Vision and Principles were launched on 30 May 2022 in New Delhi with a keynote speech by Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General, International Solar Alliance, remarks by Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, The Energy and Resources Institute, and a roundtable discussion by CEOs and CSOs from participating organisations in the Initiative.

Read the full vision and principles below.



Responsible Energy Initiative
Responsible Energy Initiative

The Responsible Energy Initiative is a multi-year programme to ensure renewable energy in Asia achieves its full potential.