21 Dec ’20: Responsible Tech Bulletin

Subhashish Bhadra
Responsible Tech Bulletin
1 min readDec 21, 2020
  1. UN Secretary General’s office defines digital public goods (DPG) as open source, open AI, open standards & open content that adhere to privacy, and do no harm. Among other things, @cis_india response to India’s DEPA framework evaluates whether DEPA is truly DPG https://bit.ly/34wjWm8
  2. Privacy isn’t complex — it’s about doing a few basic things right. Paper on privacy and #Covid-19 tech by @DataGovNetwork highlights eight principles, incl. granular consent, purpose and storage limitation, decentralisation, encryption and anonymisation. bit.ly/34rp1w3
  3. Perspectives shift when we view data not as disembodied oil or CO2, but as intrinsically connected to bodies. This line of thinking also makes me pay special attention to vulnerable groups. @so_radhikal uses it to evaluate Covid-19 surveillance in India bit.ly/2LEve16
  4. Good healthcare relies on trust, care and loyalty between patient and doctor. It still isn’t clear how this would transition to an AI world. Transparency, accountability and certification key. Summary of event by @tandem_research and @innovcorps: bit.ly/37fPeOC
  5. Voting is the most basic citizen right, source of all rights. Linking it with Aadhaar needs to be considered thoroughly, especially to ensure that nobody is disenfranchised and to prevent minute demographic targeting. More in this @DataGovNetwork paper: http://bit.ly/3h7oJj9



Subhashish Bhadra
Responsible Tech Bulletin

Author, Caged Tiger: How Too Much Government is Holding Indians Back. Rhodes Scholar, Stephanian.