Two day trainings ‘Introduction to Responsible ML in R or Python’— schedule for 2022

Przemyslaw Biecek
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2021


Based on our experience in the area of Responsible Machine Learning, developed a unique two-day hands-on training. Jump into the topic of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence with our trainers.

The training is conducted once a month in small groups online. Small groups encourage questions and the interactions within the group. Dates of upcoming trainings in 2022:

  • 21–22 January,
  • 18–19 February,
  • 18–19 March,
  • 22–23 April,
  • 20–21 May.
Trainers at Introduction to Responsible ML @ User2021. Trainers at different sessions may vary.


Day 1: We will start with a brief introduction to predictive modelling, then discuss tree based methods and ensembles like random forest and gradient boosting. We will end the day by discussing the hyperparameter tuning procedure.

Day 2: We will start the second day with an introduction to explainable artificial intelligence. We discuss variable importance followed by Partial Dependence profiles, Shapley values, the LIME method and Ceteris Paribus profiles.

Each block includes a presentation on the method, a hands-on session and Q&A.


This is an introductory training. We assume that participants have a basic knowledge of the language in which the training is conducted (R or Python). They can load data, perform simple EDA and build simple predictive model, e.g. linear regression model.


Depending on the group’s preference, the hands-on part can be carried out in R (mlr3 + DALEX) or Python (scikit-learn + dalex).

The methodology part does not depend on the language.


Price of the two-day online training: 899 EUR / 999 USD.

Discounts available for groups of more than one person.

If you are interested in private training for a group from your company please contact with us.

Each participant will receive a paper materials in a form of a comic book

Book your training

To book a training please contact with



Przemyslaw Biecek

Interested in innovations in predictive modeling. Posts about eXplainable AI, IML, AutoML, AutoEDA and Evidence-Based Machine Learning. Part of