Looking for ways to discuss ResponsiveOrg

Brian Schildt
#ResponsiveOrg Copenhagen
2 min readFeb 5, 2016

The Copenhagen ResponsiveOrg group met 4th February 2016 with a new an relatively simple agenda. Trying to shift the focus from earlier meet ups from being primarily discussions on topics from the ResponsiveOrg manifest to discus methods and concrete experiences

The first topic to take the scene was Holacracy, and the format for the meet up was quite simple:

  • Introduction to the theory behind the method
  • Experiences from practioners living it

Ditte Enevoldsen gave an introduction to Holacracy as a concept or rather an Operative System of an organisation and explained briefly the terminology with Domains, Circles, Roles and more of the Holacracy terms, and how it is a very structured way of running an organisation despite what many thinks. Ditte gave a list of links for inspiration to Holacracy — (Ditte will you share it?)

We had the pleasure to have the meet-up hosted by Socialsquare (again) — and the pleasure was even greater this time because magnus christensson and Kræn Hansen enthusiastically and open shared their practical experiences on implementing Holacracy in their organisation of 20 people. Recently Sociasquare told about Holacracy in a post on jobfinder.dk (danish)

ResponsiveOrg CPH participants February 2. 2016 (© Andreas Larsen )

Topics for the next meet up

Join the next meetup the 4th May

Topics for the next meet up will be discussed in the group on meetup.com — mentioned as possible topics was:

  • How does a Business Angel/Investor look at an organization running or experimenting with ResponsiveOrg
  • Scrum or agile for companies whose main delivery is not IT services, and how it scales
  • How do you handle the recruitment process in a ResponsiveOrg

The last couple of meetings have had about 8–12 participants, and we briefly discussed how to raise more awareness, and to get more people to join the meetings and share their knowledge (not necessarily focused on Holacracy)

I personally see the see the ResponsiveOrg CPH group as an forum where all kinds of paradigms and methods related to being an Responsive Organisation can be discussed, and experiences across those can be shared.

More about ResponsiveOrg worldwide

You can get mor info and join the ResponsiveOrg Community on responsive.org and there a number of different channels to get in touch with the Community :

You can finde the Danish ResponsiveOrg Community on Meetup.com

It is such a pleasure to gather a bunch of passionate people to share and discuss their interest and experience! — A big thank you to all of you showing up and making it exicting to be apart of.



Brian Schildt
#ResponsiveOrg Copenhagen

a Human Being trying to do my best in all aspects of life - we need alternatives