Aesthetics and space in Budapest

Published in
5 min readApr 24, 2018

Detailed patterns, mesmerizing ornamentation, meticulously precise sculptures, massive pillars, sophisticated compositions, various awe inducing scenes, and everything engraved in marble with proficient artistry — that’s one hell of a proof of how important aesthetic beauty is for humans. It personalizes the living environments, it colors our thought patterns, it inspires us to appreciate human skill, and it simply charms up our everyday. Visiting places where aesthetic perfection is of highest importance always takes your breath away, and leaves you thinking about how peculiar humans actually are. So much work just to make something look beautiful!

A specific sight catches Edward’s attention during one of his nightly floating experiments: an array of parallelly organized spacious streets, a wide river crossed by bridges in every few kilometers, and a number of huge monumental buildings. That’s Budapest. Edward quickly realizes that visiting this city is one of a kind of experience because of its attention to grandiose architecture and sculptures it presents. Nearly every street in the city center is filled with monumental buildings, what turns a simple sight seeing experience into a visiting an outdoor museum.

As Edward continues floating between the streets, he recalls other remarkably aesthetic city — Rome, which is similar in the amount of attention it pays to beauty, but the hectic arrangement of its streets is complete opposite of what Budapest has. Here the streets are wide, with huge buildings growing on both sides. There is no empty place for a single new house, but there is a huge space to float for Edward and to walk for people. On one hand, it generates a stunning sense of scale and awe, while on the other, it dehumanizes people, makes them feel small and insignificant. Old Estonians are interested nonetheless, thus Edward proceeds with casting his spell.

Hungary is governed by right-wing populist party since 2010, and that boils Ats#Pets’ blood. Class struggle and emancipatory practices are the thing of their expertise. This time they promised to cause no trouble, just to play one song which they wrote especially for Budapest. It goes like this:

“Free the streets from smelly corruption,
Give up your piece of cake.
People here deserve more devotion,
It’s time to push the brake!”

Architecture around the city is obviously inspired by classical antique, and old things are Lembit’s favorite things. He comes here to see whether there are any old stones to chat to. “Whoa!” — he cheers — “these guys were partying with T-Rex”. Apparently that’s old enough for Lembit to be entertained.

Looking for friends is always easy when you know how to speak a millennia old stone language

Binary void starts to glitch. It might be underground currents of energy coming from old stones, or some kind of governmental electromagnetic halo, but despite the reason, Miina&Enn plunges into reality. Most of the time beauty and romance comes together as one, so this cute Estonian couple is happy to see the city since they are still on their honeymoon apparently. Although this time it took an unexpected turn — they ended up selling bread. Budapest has no good bakeries, so they are using their chance to get some cash for a new oven. Miina said that with improvements in their binary kitchen they will be able to produce bread which will be darker than a shadow of a vampire.

Just as Edward wanted to fly away, he got stuck by a cold and eerie feeling in his gut. It’s his old friend — grim reaper. And this time he’s dancing with some youngsters. Click here to agree and lets what lies in the future.

And so does night goes away, and so does Edward escapes the burdens of being.

A commentary appeared on the wall.

It’s just the hedgehog who is watching everything over and finding gaps in the matrix. If it’s not him, no portals could be hosted. He’s the one responsible both for the invention of video calling (somebody said that he sold his idea to Skype), and for online dating (he’s not very happy about the latter one). He’s the one who knows how to bake a binary cake and to play a Beethoven’s symphony using old computer keyboard. Behind the cute looks lies an evil mastermind.

