Schedule pre-recorded videos to go live on Youtube, Periscope, Twitch, Facebook

Grow your audience, and keep them engaged with scheduled content!

Alexander Khuda
3 min readFeb 14, 2018


Every content creator knows that a consistent schedule of live content is key to growing an audience and keeping them engaged. Sometimes it feels like in order to keep up with the competition as a successful streamer, you need to be live all the time. We thought that there had to be a better way for content creators to stream quality content to their audience, even when they may not be in front of their computers. So we built Restream Scheduler!

Restream Scheduler is a tool that allows content creators to schedule pre-recorded, quality videos to go live at anytime of the day.

Here’s how it works…

  1. Record a video that you would like to go live later on in the day, or later on in the week. This could be a video of you being “live”, or it could be a pre-recorded, edited reel to share news, highlights or updates with your audience. Any video works.
  2. Log-in to Restream Scheduler and upload this pre-recorded video into the Scheduler que.
  3. Choose a time and date you would like for the video to go live. The channels it will go live on are the same channels you have in your Restream Dashboard.
  4. Sit back and relax while Scheduler takes care of the rest and streams your pre-recorded video live on your channels.
  5. You can use Restream Chat to engage your audience during the live stream…or you can schedule more content to go live at a later time / date through Restream Scheduler.

We built Restream Scheduler for all types of content creators.
It doesn’t matter if you are a game streamer, beauty vlogger, public speaker, musician, production company, church or world famous chef…

Use cases
The use cases for using Restream Scheduler are endless, but here are a few

  • Going on vacation or taking a day off? Schedule a broadcast to go live even if you’re not in the office or in front of your computer.
  • Turn your channel into a 24/7 show! With Scheduler you can always be on and your audience can always tune in.
  • Test different types of content for different audiences groups and see how they react;
  • Target viewers from different time zones without changing your personal schedule (or staying up into the wee hours of the morning).
  • Nail down the perfect schedule of content for your audience…use Scheduler to take breaks from live streaming during the day or to have an ongoing schedule of live content that you don’t need to worry about because it is organized and automated.
  • Start creating pre-recorded content of the quality you could not achieve while doing a real live stream session;
  • Enter new streaming websites in much more natural way;


You can always research, experiment and find your ways of utilizing the best of streaming your content with the Restream Scheduler abilities and flexibility.

Don’t let your hard work go unnoticed: schedule your content to be streamed any time you want, starting now!

