A Matrix of Place

From Then to Now

Chuck Wolfe
Tales of Resurgence


Crossing Environments: A Theme

The idea of resurgence is, in a sense, the mere passage of time applied to places with tangible evidence of change. This introductory entry illustrates Seattle’s Carkeek Park, a junction of natural, social, and built environments. The resulting visual menu is rich and compelling; below are five examples.

The park contains Seattle’s oldest orchard, remnant old growth forest, and the critical spine of a creek, tributaries, and ravines. Breached by treatment plants, railroads, and traditional park spaces, walking trails cross histories of these natural and built environments. Finally, the social evidence of human activity weaves these environments together.

A City’s Oldest Orchard
Asleep in the Woods
Aging in Place
Old Growth Portal
A Vital Beach

More entries will appear throughout the month of August, and will generate the basis for future presentations and exhibits. All photos by Charles R. Wolfe. Do not copy.



Chuck Wolfe
Tales of Resurgence

Charles R. Wolfe founded the Seeing Better Cities Group in Seattle and London to improve the conversation around how cities grow and evolve across the world.