Original banner, created by Jenner Zeno

Resurgent.Us — Origins

In the beginning…

Jesse J Rogers
Published in
7 min readJul 29, 2020


The Story of Us

When I created Resurgent.Us, I didn’t expect a pandemic. I didn’t expect 40 million unemployed. I didn’t expect an influx of people who needed to build skills, rethink their capabilities, expand horizons, and reinvent themselves. I didn’t know how many of us would need a supportive community.

When I created Resurgent.Us, all I knew is that I needed those things.

It was mid-February 2020, just before all hell broke loose when I clicked the “create” button on the Facebook group. I invited just about everyone I knew — which was hundreds of acquaintances, former and current workmates, family members, and friends, along with about a thousand or so strangers I had just friend requested from YangGang. But we need to back up. There’s a lot of the story to tell before we get to “day 1”.

Yang Gang: The Prologue

Disillusionment with the corruption in politics had been rotting my hope and faith into cynicism for several years. I had voted for Obama twice, and been twice disappointed. I had been expecting to vote third-party for the foreseeable future.

Then along came Andrew Yang.

