

Why Star Wars deserves better and how can we help it thrive?

The Star Wars Sequels were far from successful. Both Disney and fans hoped for so much more. But who expected Disney would lose out on $20 billion? This series of 19 issues will show you how Star Wars failed. Also how they can avoid losing another $20 billion in their next movies.



Why Star Wars failed financially and won’t reach profitability in years

The narrative is that Disney already recouped the $4 billion it purchased Lucasfilm for. Reality check, that’s not true at all. So, how is it possible that Disney is billions of dollars away from reaching break-even?


2.1- How Movie Franchises Win:

Why ROI is king and what happens when movies don’t profit

A movie is not only entertainment. As an investment, investors expect to see returns. For a movie franchise to continue, it must perform well. So what happens when franchises don’t have enough Return on Investment?


2.2.- Star Wars Path to $4b Break-even:

How much money does Star Wars really profit on each Box Office Movie?

Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4 billion and wants to see profits as fast as possible. But first, they must recoup their investment and reach break-even. But how much money do they really make with each box office release?


2.3.- Disney’s Failure to Profit with Star Wars:

Why Star Wars still needs over $5 billion Box Office to be profitable on their $4 billion investment

Revenues are not the same as profits. That’s why Star Wars needs to generate over $35 billion with Box Office and Additional Revenues to reach break-even. Find out why even with Episode IX it’s impossible Disney turned a profit.



Why will Star Wars never succeed without radical change?

The Star Wars Sequels are not yet profitable. They both can’t generate enough box office revenues nor reduce ballooning costs. Find out, why is the old trilogy model the obstacle stopping it from success.


3.1- The Path to Recovery:

How could Star Wars increase performance and rise above failure?

Star Wars missed break-even by $5 billion in box office. And they’ll miss it again unless the design a strategy focused on improving both the local and global franchise performance. Find out what they are!


3.2- A Failed Box Office Hope:

Why will Star Wars never replicate the box office success of a New Hope?

It’s impossible for Disney to generate the Box Office success of Episode IV- A New Hope by following the same old tactics. Something must change. See for yourself, what are the limitations that stop Star Wars from success?


3.3- The Big Costs of Failure:

Why can’t Star Wars reduce their crazy costs and make it profitable enough?

While revenues for each Star Wars limits its growth potential, the costs with each movie are getting out of control. And it will get worse. Find out why this negative trend won’t stop unless somebody takes control.


3.4- The Trilogies Must Die:

Why will the original Star Wars model never work again?

Even with Disney releasing 1 trilogy movie every 2 years with interlaced Stories, it’d take them 8–20 years to recoup $4b. Learn why Star Wars should leave the original Trilogy Model for something newer and better.



How Star Wars lost out on $20 billion and how to create a winning Cinematic Universe (like Marvel)?

Knowing the limitations of trilogies, Star Wars created a “Universe”. Except they didn’t and lost $20 billion. Unlike Marvel, who designed a complex set of narratives that mesmerized audiences and their wallets. Learn how!


4.1- Star Wars vs Marvel, Cinematic Universe Wars:

How Star Wars faked it and Marvel nailed it (plus invented the GigaHit)

Turns out Cinematic Universes are 7x more profitable than trilogies, so Star Wars tried to create one. Whereas Star Wars failed at it, Marvel thrived and created a new class of movie, the GigaHit. Find out how they did it!


4.2- Designing a Winning Cinematic Universe:

How Marvel adapted Lucas original narrative model and destroyed Star Wars?

The MCU now generates more interest than Star Wars. The key, a complex Universe designed to compound narratives. Want to learn the structure they used to layer 23 movies and become the highest grossing franchise ever?


4.3- The Star Wars Sequels that lost Billions:

Why Star Wars would’ve earned over $20 billion more with a Cinematic Universe like Marvel’s?

The MCU structure has proven to generate increasing returns on each Phase with their Universe design. Could others do the same? Learn why Star Wars lost out on $20 billion by not doing it and why they should in the future.



How Episode VIII destroyed the Sequels and why Disney tried to hide it?

A movie is a flop if it negatively affects the franchise’s continued box office revenues and gets bad audience ratings. The Last Jedi did both. To make things worse Disney skewed reviews to hide this. See the proof and be the judge yourself!


5.1 — The Last Jedi’s Curse:

Why Episode VIII doomed the rest of the franchise by destroying Solo, Rise of Skywalker and Kenobi?

The 1st signal of a movie hit or a flop is Continued Box Office success for the franchise. While Force Awakens and Rogue One started strong, the The Last Jedi brought the franchise to its knees with very poor results. Check it out!


5.2 — The Despise for The Last Jedi Explained:

How Ryan Johnson and his movie were the most hated commercial flop ever (even more than Twilight)?

The 2nd signal of a movie hit or flop is ratings. The Last Jedi was rated lowest of all Episodes and +50% of audiences harbored negative sentiments, causing massive disinterest in the next franchise movies. See for yourself!


5.3- The Dirty Star Wars Cover-up:

How Disney saved face for ticket sales and how all critics mysteriously loved the Sequels?


Although audiences and critics don’t always agree, their scores follow a pattern. Only 6 out 140 movies analyzed show a giant discrepancy. The biggest? The Last Jedi’s. Learn why it’s highly probable foul play was in effect by Disney.


Episode 6- The Rebirth of Star Wars:

What 4 actions from Bob Iger will bring the franchise back from the dead?

The 500-hour thesis on Star Wars has validated the franchise is broken, on the outside and inside, and needs drastic change now. Disney has lost out on a potential $20 billion with The Sequels. To avoid losing another $20 billion, they better act right now. With your help, we can get Disney to save Star Wars. First, we get Bob Iger (Disney CEO) to read this thesis. Will you take part Jedi?


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