BREAKING NEWS: Three towns, three massacres, one day

RET1 News
RET1 News Press
Published in
4 min readDec 28, 2018


Latest Update: Dec 29th, 2018

70 year old killed in Gujjii today

December 28th, 2018 — Reports of three different massacres committed by the Ethiopian military in three different cities have reached us in quick succession. These reports contradict today’s statement made by Taye Dendea, Oromo Democratic Party official and spokesperson for the Federal Attorney General, who claimed that no innocent civilians have been killed by the federal military. We will be following the story closely and updating this page, stay tuned.

Finchawa, Dugda Dawa woreda, West Gujji zone

Update 29/12/18 :

  • Death toll so far: 12
  • 2 Oromia Police officers also confirmed killed by federal military.
  • Statement from eyewitness;

“I was walking on the road when a motorbike carrying two people passed me. One of the passengers began shooting at a group of soldiers and killed two of them. The soldiers began to shoot at everyone and burning down house after house. The distance from where they started killing people and where they stopped is almost 1km.”

28/12/18- Several reports claim that 16 civilians were shot dead when the federal military stormed the town without warning at around 4:30pm EAT.

“The soldiers entered private homes and even the hospital. They were killing motorcyclists and burning their motorbikes.- Wakicha Guto, truck driver

Finchawa, Gujji zone (December 28th, 2018)

We have been able to confirm 11 deaths and two dozen injuries so far. The injured are currently being treated at Bule Hora Hospital. Finachawa residents also accuse the military of burning private residences and at least 20 motorcyles.

Guliso, Guliso woreda, West Wallagga zone

Update 29/12/18 :

Death toll so far: 7

A total of 9 houses were burned down

Residents report several deaths at the hands of the federal military. At least 5 civilians were shot dead in Guliso and several others were injured. Similar with what happened in Gujji, the federal military has also burned several houses in Guliso.

“I’ve been at home all day because of the constant gunfire. It was only when I started smelling smoke that I left the house. I saw a group of people carrying a body and crying. On the other side of the road, I saw a dead body with a bullet hole in the back.- Jhonni, Guliso resident

“The military comes back from the frontlines and releases its anger on us. Whenever one of their soldier dies, they come back and shoot at us.”- Takale, teacher in Guliso

Guliso, West Wallaga (December 28th, 2018)

Shambu town, Shambu woreda, Horro Guduru Wallagga zone

Following the deployment of 40 truckload of soldiers to the town this week, many residents fled from their homes in fear. Yesterday, the military conducted door to door searches and arrested several people.

“They took my brother after beating him infront of his wife and children. I don’t know where he is.”- Ayalew, Shambu resident

Our sources reported that gunshots erupted late afternoon last night and continued till the morning. The military began shooting at those who were returning to town after having fled. At around 4pm EAT, our sources reported that 7 civilians had been shot dead. We have been unable to reach our source since then, stay tuned for more updates.



RET1 News
RET1 News Press

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