Ethiopian government official caught in lie

RET1 News
RET1 News Press
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2018

Sabsibe Amare, an Oromo Democratic Party official with a prominent social media following (under the name Kiyya Hararghe), accused the Oromia News Network (ONN) media organization (affiliated with Dawud Ibsa’s Oromo Liberation Front) of being awarded an office in Mekele, capital of Tigray state, by the current Tigray President Debretsion Gebremichael.

Sabsibe Amare (Kiyya Hararghe)- ODP official who made the claim on December 22nd, 2018


Today, Dr Debretsion Gebremichael gave ONN office keys to Colonel Gammachu Ayana;

Today, OLF official Colonel Gammachu Ayana was a guest of honor at an Dimtsi Woyane TV anniversary celebration that took place at Mekele’s Martyr’s Square. At the same event, Dr Debretsion gave Colonel Gammachu the keys to ONN’s new office in Mekele.

ONN for TPLF is a replacement for the now closed ENN”

Colonel Gamachu Ayana- former commander of Ethiopia’s 8th Mechanized Division and current OLF official

Our team’s investigation concluded that Colonel Gammachu Ayana was never present for the anniversary event but has in fact been in Addis Ababa for at least the past month.

Dr Debretsion Gebremichael- President of Tigray State

This latest accusation from an ODP official is the latest of a series of accusations being thrown at the Oromo Liberation Front and its affiliates. Given the Tigray state’s opposition to the ODP-led federal government and the political animosity between the Oromo and Tigrayan people, association with the Tigrayan Peoples Liberation Front is political suicide in the current political atmosphere of Oromia state.

Our investigation included eyewitness testimony from our Addis Ababa fact checkers, as well as calls to both the Dimtsi Woyane TV station and the Oromia News Network TV station.



RET1 News
RET1 News Press

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