The distinct, rising roles of algorithmic approaches in the retail industry

Sruti Raizada
Retail Dive
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2020

Traditional vs. Deep Learning Algorithms in Retail Industry

The deployment of data for the combative privilege is not new to the retail sector. It has taken an establishing role in elevating customer analytics, both online and in-store.

It led modern retailers to encourage an expanding accumulation of local data to interpret the whole lot from:

  • customer buying behavior
  • product trends
  • product pricing optimization


  • what to hoard
  • how much to invest in
  • what products to recommend to recapitulate customers
  • precise ad targeting, and a lot more.

Algorithmic trading for retail investors

The upcoming in the retail world may include algorithmic approaches in which deep learning will predict future preferences and needs. The probability of the same is infinite.

Retail investors will not purchase the goods in advance to meet up the supply to the increasing demands as now they’ll already beware of the requirements for certain commodities in advance. It’ll be a mutually beneficial situation for both customers and retailers.

With the advancement in technology, artificial neural networks are becoming more efficient than ever, as the graphics processing units (GPUs) are getting more and more strengthened, so does their influence on retail.

Today, deep learning techniques are tranquil to disorganize the retail industry. Almost 28% of retailers had already deployed machine learning and deep learning algorithms. The rate is 7–8% more from the past five years.

“According to Gartner, by 2020, 85% of customer interactions within the retail industry are going to be managed by AI.”

AI is quickly transforming the way that organizations communicate with their clients.

As per a report by MIT Technology Review, by 2022, it will remain the leading area of usage. Almost 73% of answerers responded to the same.

Imagine a world in which deep learning algorithm based systems know precisely what a customer wants. In such a scenario:

  • retailers would cater to their consumers more quickly and more efficiently.
  • Using deep learning, sophisticated image classification, and recognition algorithms would instantly locate the product with the lowest price and the best quality, saving time and money of the customers.

Retail algorithms in supply chain and inventory management

One of the retail industry’s significant areas, where the retail algorithm is serving to surround, is the conviction of disbursing bonds and directory administration. The productions are ascendant massive data amounts in new techniques.

In the retail world, supply chain efficiency is essential for competitive triumph. Directory management, picking, packing, and shipping are all time and resource-intensive processes that tend to have an overpowering impact on the organization’s bottom line.

Retail algorithms are modifying directory administration and contribution bonds. Notably, the implementation of AI, i.e., using reduction algorithms, is creating a revolutionary directory nimbleness by deducting goods expenditure and increasing the stocks.

The use of traditional and deep learning algorithms in retail chains is supporting the organizations to take long steps towards transformation by decreasing the time to livestock and heading towards setting agile provisioning, which is proficient in predicting and trafficking with variabilities.

Retail algorithmic trading

Retail algorithmic trading is another term for automated trading. The software is based on an algorithm on which all the trades are executed. This algorithm is coded in a programming language based on a back-tested algorithmic trading strategy.

There are various advantages of algorithmic trading over manual trading. Some of them include:

Accuracy, fast execution of a trade, better compliance, ability to remove ‘emotions’ during the trade process, with the decided algorithmic strategies for trading.


The graph of the traditional form of retail is undergoing a sharp shift. In this rapidly changing surroundings, a universal move towards digital shopping, and the ever-changing mindsets of the highly aware traders and buyers are leading to a new milestone in the domain.

From this new perspective, the adoption of accelerated analytics, robotics, and deep learning is observed — the use of deep learning algorithms in the retail industry compasses every particular detail of the organization.

Deep learning can help you meet your following requirements:

  • Deploy current data to generate more revenue and enhance sales for your business.
  • Effectively implement your furnishing chain.
  • Enhance customer purchasing experience with disambiguation modeling.

The decision to deploy these technologies into your business could be complex without proper guidance. Let’s get connected to know more about the possibilities which can help you boost your business.



Sruti Raizada
Retail Dive

Search engine marketer and Inbound Marketer at RapidOps, Inc. — Mobile App Development Company, where she contributes on content marketing & Inbound marketing.