People-Driven Retail Software for a Brighter Future
Retail Insights from
2 min readJun 7, 2023
Photo by Margarida Afonso on Unsplash

Hey there! I’m Julia Bilyk, and I’m here to talk about the awesome retail solutions created by Datawiz. But before we dive into that, let’s talk about something crucial: the incredible value of people resources for a company, its products, and its clients.

Do you know what I absolutely love about Datawiz?

Our teams! They work their magic daily and create exceptional products with the same level of excitement as kids on Christmas morning.

At Datawiz, people are at the heart of everything we do. Our specialists craft solutions that make retailers’ lives easier and more efficient. We provide reliable insights that retailers can count on.

Each one of us has the power to make a significant impact for a better-shared future.

Now, let me explain how Datawiz is striving to transform retail processes for a better future.

One, two, three, and four key analytical solutions for retailers from Datawiz.

  1. We analyze and measure every aspect of a retail chain’s life, even the tiniest and seemingly insignificant actions. Our BI solution offers essential insights into all business processes. With Datawiz’s business intelligence, retailers can track changes that impact their chain’s performance, such as sales dynamics in stores and across the chain, the effectiveness of assortment, and the performance of marketing campaigns.
  2. We also focus on creating attractive shelf layouts to enhance customer shopping experience. Our PlanoHero service helps retailers set up efficient store planograms. It considers product parameters, historical sales, trends, and demand, along with supplier contracts, to create effective store layouts.
  3. To make life easier for store managers, we’ve developed a particular mobile app. The Store Manager app allows them to monitor store KPIs and tackle any issues from anywhere, anytime.
  4. Additionally, we strive to bring transparency and trust to the cooperation and negotiation between retailers and suppliers. Our Data Monetization platform enables retailers to sell their data to suppliers, giving them access to valuable information for analyzing sales, items, receipts, stocks, promotions, and loyalty data.

Our solutions are made by people for people. So go ahead, find your people, and discover the solutions that will take your retail game to the next level.

