Ad management at your fingertips with Kit

Alexander Yemets
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2019

RetargetApp-powered ads have become even easier to manage. We now offer seamless integration with Kit, a free virtual assistant you may already be using for your Shopify store (and if you aren’t, it’s time to get it :)

What can be managed via Kit?

With Kit, you can manage all key campaign aspects, such as:

  • starting a Retargeting campaign. If you installed the app, but haven’t launched a campaign yet, Kit could help you finish campaign setup in one tap. It will use the ad message and daily budget you’ve previously set, or, if you didn’t set anything, it will launch a campaign with the ad message selected by our system and a minimum recommended daily budget of 30 USD/day. (coming soon)
  • resuming a Retargeting campaign. If your retargeting ads are paused and you need to resume them, you won't need to go to the RetargetApp dashboard — just ask Kit to do it for you.
  • starting a Prospecting campaign. If RetargetApp determines that you could sell more to brand new shoppers, it will offer you to launch a Prospecting campaign. You will get this offer via Kit and, once you confirm it, a campaign with the ad message selected by our system and a minimum recommended daily budget of 30 USD/day will be automatically launched.
  • activating ad message auto-update. Keeping your ads relevant is one of the keys to success. If RetargetApp notices that you haven’t updated your ad message for a long time, it will suggest switching on an automated update of ad messages. With it, your ad message will be changed every 14 days. (coming soon)
  • changing the daily budget. Few things can ruin your campaign performance as much as an insufficient budget can. Together with Kit, RetargetApp will make sure that you always have the proper budget set, and recommend to change the budget if necessary.

More features are coming soon.

Best part? RetargetApp will only message you if it determines that the action from your end is absolutely necessary.

How do I manage my RetargetApp-powered ads with Kit?

Note: if you aren’t using Kit yet, be sure to get it on Shopify before you continue.

  1. Send an email to In it, please, specify your Shopify domain and note that you want to get recommendations via Kit
  2. Once you get a reply, click on the link in the email and update app access
  3. Enjoy 😊

Whenever you need to check for recommendations, just start a conversation with Kit and press 4.

