Prospecting Ads: Reach Broad Audience

Alexander Yemets
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2018

Prospecting ads with Broad Audience targeting help you reach people who have expressed interest in products similar to yours even if they haven’t visited your website yet.

Example of Prospecting ad

Broad Audience Prospecting ads are shown to Facebook users who have recently searched for/clicked on products similar to those on your website

Each ad is a carousel with 2–10 dynamically selected products from your website which the user is potentially interested in. The ads will be shown on all available placements.

The algorithms inside Facebook will make sure that the ad will be shown to people who are most likely to purchase.

Why Prospecting Ads?

  • Broad Audience Prospecting campaign brings 600% return on ad spend
  • More people can now consider buying your product without going to your website first — up to 2000 new potential clients can be reached every day.
  • Broad Audience Prospecting is cost-effective — cost per purchase in this campaign type is 1.5x lower than with Lookalike audiences
  • You can showcase up to 10 products in a single ad.
  • If run together with a Retargeting campaign, Prospecting can help significantly boost sales and make both campaigns even more cost-effective. If a user doesn’t make the purchase right away, he will then be retargeted with the ads of the product for up to 14 days or until the purchase is made.

How do I run a Prospecting campaign?

Prospecting ads become available for RetargetApp users who have 500+ Facebook Advertising Policies-compliant products on their website. Once the system determines that you are ready to run Prospecting Ads, you will see the invitation banner on your RetargetApp Dashboard.

To run a Prospecting campaign, you need to:

  • Confirm / change Ad Message and daily budget
  • Click “Run Campaign”.

That’s it! We will do the rest for you ;)

If you have any questions, just message us using the chat window inside the app.

