10 Ways for Salon and Spa Owners to Avoid the January Crash

Hrachuhi Arakelyan
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2020


You’ve been busy through November, absolutely chaotic through December with barely enough time to breathe, and then, out of nowhere — boom! 💣 — January hits.

… Barely an online booking to be seen. Lily, your salon chatbot, is talking to herself. Your reception team are catching up on in-house hair and beauty services, rather than doing what they are meant to, and are waiting for the phone to ring.

A quiet salon is bad for everyone. Your team gets bored, they have more time o gossip, and they can become lazy. It’s your job, as a salon owner to keep morale up and things moving.

🧙 So, what to do to break the quiet spell?

January doesn’t have to mean living off December’s savings and scraping by until things pick up. If you’re smart about it, you can carry on all of that seasonal good cheer right through winter.

Ideally, you’d have started preparing for the January slump back in September, focusing on getting clients booked up in advance and planning some fabulous offers and incentives for people to take advantage of after the holidays, such as giving customers vouchers for money off or to try new services this month, as we discussed in an earlier blog.

It isn’t too late to get those sales up! Now, more than ever is the time to focus on your marketing and give your sales revenue the lift it needs.

💡 Here are some ideas to keep that momentum going:

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