Salon Rewards Program | The Complete Guide

Lilit Nersisyan
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2019
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If you don’t need more clients for your salon or spa, if you don’t need more locations for your beauty salon, if you don’t want to increase the revenue, if you hate the idea of returning the loyal clients, and if you don’t want to be #1 in your city, stop reading right now.

When there is no loyalty it means that salons and SPA need a good way of attracting new clients to be in business. But attracting new ones is much harder than retaining existing because marketing costs are high.

The loyal client base is at the heart of any salon business, as they provide a significant part of the income. According to Gartner Group, 20% of the existing customers generate the company’s 80% of revenue.

This makes them a valuable asset for any salon owner, and smart salon owners have already started thinking of loyalty schemes to keep them happy and returning.

This article is for those smart and innovative salon owners who value their clients and want to grow their business.
If you think that building salon customer loyalty is complicated and you can not do it, we are here to help and show how engaging it can be.

The loyalty program is a win-win for the salon owner and the salon clients. The importance of loyalty programs for salon and SPA owners is clear: they have loyal clients who provide the greatest part of revenue, they easily and artfully engage and retain their clients, thus creating those vital emotional ties necessary for every salon development and client retention.

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Lilit Nersisyan

Digital Marketing Specialist, Content Writer at RetentionForce