CRM for Salons: What It Is and How to Use It

Lilit Nersisyan
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2020

Back in the days when salons used to manage appointments with a big old paper diary, CRM (customer relationship management) meant little more than knowing how many sugars Mrs. Jones preferred in her cup of coffee at her monthly hair appointment. 🍵

Tracking data on trends such as how frequently clients visited, the amount they spent and the types of services that they enjoyed all were virtually impossible. Even if data was tracked, it was often inaccurate as a result of human error or missing information. Of course, salons and spas may have had a folder where some basic information was tracked on their visits, but actually doing something with that data was another headache to resolve. 😩

Back then, marketing emails or reminder texts were in their infancy, and salon booking systems too were not the internet-enabled things of beauty that they are today. So there was also a matter of what could actually be done with any data that was collected, other than remembering that Mrs. Jones would like two sugars, please. 📖

😅 Thankfully, things changed:

These days, salon management is a whole new world, with an array of data at our fingertips. Salon management software has changed how salons can manage and understand customer data in ways that were previously impossible. Customers can now book and amend appointments online, and those bookings are seamlessly integrated into the therapist’s columns. Therapists and salon owners alike can view their columns any time, anywhere.

The backbone of any CRM starts with a client database. This is where all the information on each client should be, all in one place. As well as being a place to store contact information, data on each client, such as the date of their last patch test, their preferences of the therapist, their visit frequency can all be logged. Most of this data is automatically captured and retained by salon management software.

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Lilit Nersisyan

Digital Marketing Specialist, Content Writer at RetentionForce