Your Content is like a Butterfly

Jinesh Parekh
Content Marketing = Content + Marketing
2 min readFeb 9, 2015
Content is like butterfly, short lived.

A butterfly is so very beautiful. It struggles to come to life just like our content pieces. However it’s life span is a week to a month. That is so true of your content as well.

You research a lot and then you write in a beautiful piece of content. Now the life of your content begins with your social media shoutouts. You would do that for a week to a month and then the fizz is gone. Poof!. Your conent now lives at the mercy of SEO. Almost dead.

Realize that the content piece in itself does not have any life of it’s own. It’s a listener entity. People come to it, view it and comment on it. It cannot do anything on it’s own.

That is what we need to change. We have to enable content to do more than just be.

Think about it for a moment. What if your content could engage with people who are discussing the same topic that it addresses? Now the content can do it’s outbound efforts to engage those people into it’s information.

Only if we can provide it with simple ears to listen on what is happening on the internet and what are people talking about, it could start engaging itself in more worthwhile journey and extend it’s life till the information on it is relevant to people.

The question is, Can we devise such a solution? Can we change how content marketing is done these days? Sure we can. First we need to change our mind set on producing limited content and then spending the rest of the time to engage that content with the perfect audience.

In my previous post I already wrote about how the content marketing processes that we are dogmatically following is leading us to become not so good citizens of the content world.

Let’s work together to take the content world to the next level by only focussing on creating valuable information and then spending the time to rightly engage that content piece with it’s target audience.



Jinesh Parekh
Content Marketing = Content + Marketing

At Idyllic, we are an awesome team of UX Designers & Web Developers specialising in Design and Ruby on Rails. We love working with #Startups & #SmallBusinesses.