Photo: John Bryan on Unsplash; Graphics: author

Sustainability Calendar: What’s Happening in January 2021

Helping you to plan a month of climate action

Kevin Jones
3 min readJan 1, 2021


[Update on 19-Jan: the Davos Agenda (online conference) added on 25 to 29-Jan]

Every day is a day for something. In fact, there are so many observances, holidays and days of action that it’s impossible to keep track of them all.

I like to watch the days themed around the environment and sustainability. I find them a useful reminder of things outside of my direct experience, an opportunity to shine light on ecosystems, species or peoples who may normally be left in the dark.

Finding no single reliable list of these holidays, I decided to create one. I will curate this list, month by month, to ensure that everything important to us is on our radar.

The full list of events for January is below, but first I highlight some of the main things happening in the month. The year-long calendar can be found here.


The big thing happening in January is Veganuary. Whatever our position on veganism there is no denying that current industrial meat production is unsustainable. We could all stand to eat less meat.

This is where Veganuary comes in. The idea isn’t to turn everyone vegan, but to trial…



Kevin Jones
Sustainability Calendar

Maritime Sustainability Specialist. Editor of Rethink Convenience and author of the Live Circular newsletter