Sustainability Calendar — What’s Happening in May 2021

Helping you to plan climate and sustainability action in May

Kevin Jones
Sustainability Calendar


Graphics: author

Welcome to my monthly overview of the Sustainability Calendar. The full year-long calendar can be found here. Scroll to the end of this post for the full list of events in May.


Endangered Species Day and International Day for Biological Diversity

These two are inextricably linked: lose species, and biodiversity is impacted; similarly, declines in biological diversity can cause species to become endangered if food sources are compromised or habitats destroyed. In the worst case these changes can cause extinctions.

Image: Endangered Species Coalition

Endangered Species Day is for “celebrating, learning about, and taking action to protect threatened and endangered species” (Endangered Species Coalition). It falls on the third Friday of the month, which this year is 21 May.

Events are largely US-centric, but thanks to coronavirus many of them are online and so may be more accessible. Find them through the events map. There are also…



Kevin Jones
Sustainability Calendar

Maritime Sustainability Specialist. Editor of Rethink Convenience and author of the Live Circular newsletter