The unexpected benefits of having a dog-friendly office

Rethink things
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2018

Having dogs in the office has become a standard practice for startups, right next to flexible hours, in-office snacks, and other perks of working at a small, fast-moving tech company. Several studies have already proven that coworking with canines can lead to increased productivity and decreased levels of stress in the office. But you probably haven’t heard of the rest of these benefits of making every day Take Your Dog To Work Day.


Cut your commute time in half


If your dog is going to come into the office with you anyway, why not carpool and get a few extra Zzzs in by letting your chauf-“fur” handle the commute.

Save on office cleaning


Anyone who lives with one of these four-legged vacuum cleaners knows that dogs don’t respect the 5-second rule. If a piece of your popcorn hits the floor, it’s gone. The plus side is you don’t have to worry about making a mess snacking at your desk.

Beat your deadlines


Most dogs can accomplish a typing speed of at least 100 WPM (Woofs per minute), so put those paws to work.

Skip boring meetings


The same goes for conference calls. Send Fido in to take notes for you, and get twice as much done in half the time.

Never feel under-dressed


Even if every day in your office is Casual Friday, you’ll never get any judgement from your furry friends if you come into work wearing the same outfit as the day before since they’re always coming in in the buff.

Improve your customer service


Will your dog have knowledge of your product and common customer complains? Probably not. But will your customers still be happy to meet them? Absolutely! Improve any customer service situation, just add dog.



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