Jess Oddy ( she/her)
Design For Social Impact
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3 min readJun 30, 2022


Hello lovely readers,

Firstly I must apologise for being AWOL for the past few months. As some of you may know if you follow me online, I am doing a PhD. Analysing data and writing up my findings has taken up pretty much every waking moment over the past couple of months but I am very happy to share that the submission date is near, and that means, many of the wonderful things that Equity-Based EiE consulting wanted to kick off this year are now underway!

New team member

First up, we are incredibly lucky to have our first associate join the team, as part of our Redesigning Aid apprenticeship scheme.

Marwan Adsina, is a teacher and lecturer based in South Sudan. He will be joining us as a research associate, alongside his university studies in South Sudan.

Next Monday, 2–3 pm BST, you can listen to me and my colleague, Marwan Adinsa, alongside a wonderful panel of speakers talk about some of the ways that we think humanitarian and migration research can change for the better. If you are interested in community-based research or work in the social impact space more generally, this session is for you. Sign up here :

The launch date of our inaugural cohort-based learning lab ….

Secondly, BIG DRUM ROLL!!! we have a launch date for our inaugural, online learning lab! We have intentionally called this a learning lab because, unlike many online courses, there will be live sessions, practice-based learning, and plenty of opportunities to put theory into practice through group activities with colleagues across the globe.

We kick off the 14th of November, meeting once a week over 5 weeks. If you are interested, please sign up here and we will get back to you asap with more information. There will be tiered pricing, and full and partial scholarships so please do not let finance put you off. Even better, we will be offering the first 35 sign-ups a BIG discount.

Things to do

Whilst you are waiting for the learning lab, we thought we would share some podcasts and readings that have inspired us this month.

  1. The New Humanitarian’s Fixing Aid podcast series serves up people, organisations, or start-ups working in new and creative ways to improve the lives of those affected by conflict and disaster
  2. Peace Direct’s new report on Race, Power and Peacebuilding delves into peacebuilding practices, norms, and attitudes, unpacking structural inequalities through consultations with pracittioners globally.
  3. The Reconstructing Children’s Rights Institute unpacked the legacy of colonialism, racism, and patriarchy on child rights and wellbeing. Learn more from the summary report here:
  4. Haymarket Book Sale. 40% off all books. We particularly like their abolitionist starter kit to help us think about radical alternatives to the status quo
  5. Music-wise, this classic song is getting me through the PhD!



Jess Oddy ( she/her)
Design For Social Impact

Disruptive Designer. Strategist. Researcher (Critical Youth Action Research, Education, Forced Migration, and Digital storytelling).