Rethinking Education’s Bi-Weekly Round Up

Welcome to Rethinking Education’s first newsletter!

Jess Oddy ( she/her)
Design For Social Impact
2 min readApr 10, 2021


Over the past few months, I have realised that there are heaps of interesting articles, podcasts and events covering decolonisation, reframing education, disrupting traditional knowledge production and rethinking humanitarian aid. Through Equity-Based EiE Consulting, I am on a mission to support anyone, from organisations, practitioners and academic institutions to design and deliver equity and evidence based education programmes and research.Bi-weekly, I will be sharing a list of things that I have read, been inspired by or plan to attend.

  • Sign up : The Inter agency network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) is hosting global meets up on a wide range of topics and themes. I am really excited to be co-facilitating a multi-lingual event on ‘Decolonising Education in Emergencies? , April 21st, 1 pm GMT. Please sign up to join the discussion.
  • Listen: The Unsettling Knowledge Inequities, a new podcast series exploring issues related to the politics of knowledge production, exchange and circulation and the structural, global power dynamics that shape it. I just listened to Episode 2: Centering Indigenous Knowledge: Lil’wat Principles of Teaching and Learning, a fascinating and practical insight into centering Indigenous Knowledge in education contexts.
  • Read : Revising Inclusive Education in the Post Colony by Hadiza Kere Abdulrahman, Foluke Adebisi, Zibah Nwako and Elizabeth Walton. This article revisits the subject of educational inclusion (and exclusion) and interrogates different epistemological and systemic framings of what constitutes education and knowledge, and the effects that these have on the postcolonial educational landscape. Fantastic read for those of us working in the Education and International Development /EiE fields.
  • Event: Book your free place at the Enquire Conference 2021 Researching social justice: The path to social change in a world facing Covid-19, Thursday 22nd April & Friday 23rd April (BST). I’m looking forward to co-presenting a paper on critical pedagogies
  • Event: Book your free place at the‘Towards Decolonised Futures: An interdisciplinary conference challenging the politics of knowing and being’ conference hosted by St Mary’s University Twickenham online from Wednesday 26th — Friday 28th May 2021. There are several sessions specifically focusing on Education and international development.

Please feel free to send feedback or suggestions to

About me: I am on a mission to support organisations and academic institutions design and deliver equity and evidence based education programmes and research in international development and humanitarian settings.
Check out to find out more about my work and contact me to discuss potential collaborations.



Jess Oddy ( she/her)
Design For Social Impact

Disruptive Designer. Strategist. Researcher (Critical Youth Action Research, Education, Forced Migration, and Digital storytelling).