Ego Structure

Johannes Steiner
Rethinking Humanity
7 min readMar 22, 2022

“How can you take love to a higher level? It is simple, when you are in tune with unconditional pure love, the love that comes directly from the Source that we are all connected with.

Taking love to a higher level means, that more and more you yourself are that conductor of love, you are that pipe that allows this unconditional love to flow and move freely from you to others. You can do the same with unconditional love. Because of circumstances that prevail on Earth such as discouragement, egotism, greed, discord, at times you might think, how can I be loving to this person, these people? The challenge for you is that in the midst of the higher level of this calling, you have to bring in a higher level of love.”

Photo by Orkun Azap on Unsplash

“Resonance and consciousness are connected. The highest expression of love is the way that Source, creation, the fountain, the divine matrix, whatever you call it, expresses love.

We all in this multi-universe, whether you are in this or that galaxy, this or that planet, are all meant to replicate the way Source, that point of origin, expresses that highest form of love.”

The Planet of Beauty and Harmony is home to about 800 million humans who are very similar to humans on Earth. The one difference is, that they have developed their individual and collective consciousness to a level, where they have managed to overcome the struggles that we face on Planet Earth today. Connecting through our consciousness, we have been gifted much valuable information by our intergalactic brothers and sisters, and the time has come to share this gift with humanity on Earth.

“The way we see it, when you understand something, there is a pulse that comes from you and with this pulse there is a light that ignites when your consciousness and your understanding become one, because consciousness and understanding are not the same thing. Understanding happens at the mental level.

When you combine both, there is this great pulse that emanates from you and as you pulsate with that very clear understanding, that means you have incorporated that piece of information that comes from your higher consciousness, into your mental body. That creates a pulse that has the power to affect matter, any living organisms, plants, animals, the ether. It has the power to impact all that.

Can you see how powerful that is?”

“You have to train your mental body to work for a higher body. Do not waste your time and energy, utilising your mind, your mental body, to simply acquire possession or status in the 3rd dimensional world. That would be a misuse of your mental body. Many millions of brothers and sisters on Planet Earth are so pre-occupied and so lost, as they are using their mental body to create a reality that is not a reality.

From our perspective we see, that these brothers and sisters are not utilising the mind the way it needs to be utilised. We hope and hold the space that one day these brothers and sisters will also awaken.

Think about information as food. When you go to a restaurant you sometimes see dozens of dishes, but you know, you won’t be able to eat all of them. It is the same with information. When you centre yourself in your heart, your heart centre is the place that allows you to discern. Discernment, intuition don’t come from the mind. Discernment is part of intuition. Intuition has several aspects and one is discernment. True discernment comes from your heart. The key is to harmonise your heart and your mind. Think of the mind as a wild monkey. The wild monkey is the mind that has not been mastered, the mind that, in human words, does not have a boss, someone that directs it. The mind thinks, it can do anything.”

“When we talk about mastery, one of the first steps to take, is the taming of the mind and you can find that in many ancient scriptures on Mother Earth. There are many teachers that have talked about it. This is a basic requirement for your personal spiritual development, so that the mind does not do as it pleases and misguides you at times.

Keep in mind the presence of ego. That is a structure that we would like to talk more about in detail. The ego is a structure that was provided to the human being and it needs to be liberated from it, to move to a higher level of spiritual expression.

One big reason why humanity has been hindered in its evolution, is the ego. We here on Planet of Beauty and Harmony and many others in the intergalactic brotherhood that are well aware of what is happening, see it from a different perspective. We don’t want to call it higher perspective. We are not above you, but we can see better than what you can see.”

“It is like fish in an aquarium. The fish will notice what is inside, but those who are outside can see the aquarium from different angles. You can think of us as these beings who are outside the aquarium called Earth, and we can see that the placement of the ego structure on the human being is one of the structures, that has kept human beings suppressed for a very long time.

Know that you have the full capacity to free yourself from that structure. See the ego structure as a computer malware. This ego structure will constantly create disturbances between heart and mind. It creates great interference. The challenge is first to become aware, that that is happening.

If a person is completely unaware that he or she has the ego structure placed upon him or her, he or she does not know how to free oneself. The structure will rule.”

“Remember that there is much compassion and support, stewardship, brotherhood. Love is sent to you constantly and there are many of us, not just here on the Planet of Beauty and Harmony, but on many planets, who vouch for you, who are cheering you on and like you coming together to make contact with us. There are brothers and sisters on Earth that connect with many others, Acturians, Pleiadians, etc. and it is beautiful. We thank you for coming forward.

We ask you to consciously be that conduit of love, higher level love, to carry with you messages of hope and compassion. In this moment, we invite you to hold your own image in your mind and pick a time in the last few days when you were outside walking down the street with that high energy. Watch and become aware, what beautiful impact you have on those people.

It is beautiful and that is taking love to a higher level.”

“Picture yourself walking the street and activate this picture.

You are connected with Mother Earth and the core of the great central sun. Activate your torus and as you are walking, you are circulating that energy.

Visualise yourself being pure energy, your physical structure dissolving. You are pure energy and as you walk down the street, see how that pure energy is vibrating higher, how it helps to recalibrate the energy of everything that you pass by. Nature vibrates much higher. As you do that, you are aligning with those higher vibrations and because you have the peculiarity of having a physical body and you walk upon Earth, every step that you take, imprints that very energy onto the Earth and onto the ground.

Think of it as exercise, as leaving traces of high vibration with each step that you take. You leave imprints of high energy wherever you walk.”

“You breathe, and as you breathe out, you are breathing out molecules of high vibration which will impregnate other beings. It is important that you become aware that your breath recycles billions, trillions of times. As you are vibrating higher and higher, as you take love to a higher level and you vibrate higher and higher, as you walk, as you breathe, as you touch, think how you are imprinting that energy, that vibration everywhere.

Now visualise yourself becoming a much bigger energy structure, so huge, that you begin to envelope the town where you live. As you do this practice, the chemistry of your physical body changes.

Feel the calmness of your physical body.

In this state of calmness, harmony, there cannot be any disturbances such as disease, symptoms, pain.

Now gently and slowly come back from that huge sphere to your regular shape and expand your regular shape energetically.

Focus your attention on your pineal gland and sense it.

From your pineal allow a cascade of light to flow down to all your other glands and nourish all your glands.

Allow that crystalline substance and feel it, sense it as thick liquid that nourishes, that cleanses, that realigns.

Feel the calmness on your glands, feel it in your organs, in your whole body.”

“We will clarify about parasites and parasitic pollution on the human body.

It is certain that in order to vibrate higher, parasites should not be in the human body. They are beings of much lower vibration, hence when they infiltrate the physical body, they invite parasites on the astral level to pollute the mind, the mental, the emotional and ethereal body.

It is important to cleanse and transform the environment of the physical body. This is elemental: be mindful about food, beverages, anything that goes into the body,

The practices of having halal, kosher, pure food in Buddhism are widely known.

Parasites are very sneaky, they are everywhere and doing a parasite cleanse regularly, is highly recommended.

Parasites should not be allowed in your body at any cost.They cause much interference at the level of your energy. Your energy field and all your body will be affected by parasites. It does not matter, what nature they are. Keep all clean and pure.”

“There is the question in your mind, on whether the ego can be classified as a parasite and the answer is, yes and no. That ego structure is, in your words, a malware, a necessary evil at times, because it supports the evolution of the human being, but if the human is not consciousness, the ego becomes a parasite and feeds off the host.

Because the ego feeds off the host, if the ego becomes friends and collaborates with dark forces, it becomes parasitic.

In its intrinsic nature, ego was given to the human being as a way to create challenges, so that the human can overcome the challenges. When the human becomes dormant, then other forces take the slightest opportunity to latch on to the human being and become the parasite.”

