Top Stories published by Rethinking Security in May of 2015

When a Hack Quotes Hobbes

David Brooks pens one of the most hilariously tone-deaf lines of any national pundit when talking about poverty, crime, inner cities, and Baltimore riots and context:

The world is waiting for a thinker who can describe poverty through the lens of social…

The Ultimate War Game Might Be….War

This is an interesting yarn from Michael Ledeen over Bridge and its role as a cerebral activity for commanders. But the problem is that it reminds me a bit too much of the Weiqi/Go model of Chinese strategy. I think there’s an inherent limitation to “X is the real…

Iraq, Analogies, and Exemplars

Jennifer Rubin argues that its time to move past the “would I have invaded Iraq?” hypothetical:

This does not excuse Jeb Bush’s lack of preparedness to answer the Iraq question, which I have criticized. It does, however, say something about the inane…

Rethinking Security
Rethinking Security is a blog on states, communities, and organizations in conflict by Adam Elkus. Older content can be found at, this blog’s last incarnation. Header image is trademark of Introversion/Ambrosia software (DEFCON game).
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