Top Stories published by Rethinking Security in October of 2015

Semi-Competence as a Limited Virtue; False Competence as Absolute Vice

I strongly recommend Joshua Foust’s takedown of Putin-as-master-strategist worship.

What to make of Amer­i­can com­men­ta­tors who seem to love Vladimir Putin? From almost any angle…

The One Great Taboo of Our Wars: Asking “Why?”

In the years since I first got to know him, Kelsey D. Atherton has become not only an excellent defense and technology reporter but also an astute observer of some of the contradictions and paradoxes of our wars. Today, he said something quite…

No, The Problem With Cybersecurity Isn’t That People Read Books

At the Harvard Business Review, there is a very strange article about the supposed irrelevance of printed books to cybersecurity.

Two things are clear: Cybersecurity books are a 20th-century…

Guerrillas Aren’t Magic

Ben Carson has now made a widely condemned remark declaring that if only the Jews had armed themselves, they would have been able to resist the Holocaust. To call this crass nonsense is an understatement. However, it illustrates something else of interest to readers of this blog: the…

Rethinking Security
Rethinking Security is a blog on states, communities, and organizations in conflict by Adam Elkus. Older content can be found at, this blog’s last incarnation. Header image is trademark of Introversion/Ambrosia software (DEFCON game).
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