Top Stories published by Rethinking Security in December of 2015

Strategy as Performance Art

I have seen this excerpt from Ralph Peters’ old Bill O’Reilly interview posted throughout the Internet today…

Whistling Past the Graveyard

In the latest MERIP, there is a ridiculous and baseless critique of academic and policy-facing terrorism studies:

In the vacuum left by all of the attempts to distinguish jihadis from other Muslims, the work of explaining and interpreting jihadism is…

The Work That Bob Work Is Up To

Phil Schrodt has an typically acerbic take on the new DoD efforts at human-machine teaming.

It was with a mix of deja vu, amusement and resignation that I saw the latest Dept. of Defense (DoD) pronouncements — try here and here — about their…

The Work That Bob Work Is Up To Part II: The Work That Needs To Be Done

So, in my last entry, I expressed my opinion about why I thought quantitative social science god (despite a lot of the harsh things I said, intellectual honesty obliges to me to note that Schrodt is the…

Rethinking Security
Rethinking Security is a blog on states, communities, and organizations in conflict by Adam Elkus. Older content can be found at, this blog’s last incarnation. Header image is trademark of Introversion/Ambrosia software (DEFCON game).
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