Epistemic Communities, Net Assessment, and Andrew Marshall

Adam Elkus
Rethinking Security
1 min readApr 25, 2015

This new paper on Marshall looks like a fascinating new paper on the context of the net assessment discipline. And it seems theoretically informed than the new biography out. Haven’t had time to read yet, but you can check it out here:

By the time he entered civil service, most of [Andrew] Marshall’s formative ideas about the practice of net assessment and his unique understanding of organizational behavior had emerged. Instinctively multidisciplinary, Marshall accrued a multitude of ostensibly different analytic lenses. These lenses, layered upon one another, provided him a kaleidoscopic view and masterful understand- ing of strategy. Thus, to understand Marshall’s unique perspective on the pro- cess of net assessment, one is best served by studying the evolution of his thought prior to the establishment of ONA. The story of this journey, of Marshall’s growth and maturation as a strategist, is the focus of this biography.



Adam Elkus
Rethinking Security

PhD student in Computational Social Science. Fellow at New America Foundation (all content my own). Strategy, simulation, agents. Aspiring cyborg scientist.