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Rethinking Security
Rethinking Security
Rethinking Security is a blog on states, communities, and organizations in conflict by Adam Elkus. Older content can be found at rethinkingsecurity.tumblr.com, this blog’s last incarnation. Header image is trademark of Introversion/Ambrosia software (DEFCON game).
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Whistling Past the Graveyard

In the latest MERIP, there is a ridiculous and baseless critique of academic and policy-facing terrorism studies:

In the vacuum left by all of the attempts to distinguish jihadis from other Muslims, the work of explaining and interpreting jihadism is…

No, The Problem With Cybersecurity Isn’t That People Read Books

At the Harvard Business Review, there is a very strange article about the supposed irrelevance of printed books to cybersecurity.

Two things are clear: Cybersecurity books are a 20th-century…

The One Great Taboo of Our Wars: Asking “Why?”

In the years since I first got to know him, Kelsey D. Atherton has become not only an excellent defense and technology reporter but also an astute observer of some of the contradictions and paradoxes of our wars. Today, he said something quite…

The Denial of Destruction

I don’t really agree with Bruce Hoffman that ISIS/ISIL is “winning” but there is a lot here that makes profound sense.

It must start with the recognition that ISIL’s appeal will not diminish nor its allure end until this movement is militarily defeated and…