RethinkingUX- The Tale of Motivation Amidst Mayhem

Vidushi Bhardwaj
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2020

Any obstacle is an opportunity to gain strength and think differently.” Debasish Mridha.

This is precisely what this group did — they turned a problem into a potential opportunity. Wondering who all & how? Let me share this narrative with you.

It was the end of February, and the virus had started to spread its tentacles in India. The whole world was already witnessing chaos & mayhem, and now India was no different. Fear had gripped everyone’s heart. Fear of the invisible threat, fear of contagion, fear of life coming to a standstill. People had become anxious, uneasy & apprehensive.

While some were deliberating & debating about the pandemic, this group of professionals had a different idea brewing in their minds! — The idea of how to fight the pandemic in a positive way and emerge stronger & sharper.

So, instead of jumping on the ‘pandemic discussion’ bandwagon, this group decided to engage people into a different kind of discussion. A discussion about their passion, expertise & interests. A discussion that would make the most of these trying times. A discussion that would help everyone evolve & progress.

February 29, 2020 — RethinkingUX was Born

With this thought in their mind, they started a WhatsApp group and called it — RethinkingUX. They started adding like-minded people to the group — designers, product managers, rethinkers and content specialists. A LinkedIn Profile of RethinkingUX was also created to raise brand awareness & establish credibility.

Honestly, they did not expect any magic to happen too soon. But it did. The Magic did happen! The Rethinking group was flooded with ideas, thoughts & elucidations. The community was excited to talk, discuss, learn, grow together.

The whole concept of cross-industry leaning — sharing ideas, insights, knowledge, feedback — was welcomed with open arms.

Rethinking UX community

From Baby Steps to Giant Strides in Just 3 Months

The Rethinking group was astounded by the overwhelming support it received from the community and within just 3 months, the infant, RethinkingUX became a star. RethinkingUX had over 1500 members all across the globe - India (Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi & Mumbai), USA & Asia Pacific. RethinkingUX took a step forward and created its presence on Slack and YouTube too.

It took another giant leap and started organizing events like Full Circle, Connect The Dots, Coffee Convo, RUX Podcast, Mentorship Programs to learn, interact & grow with the community. It also added initiatives like Women Rethinkers, Publishers & Stories to its list.

Jul 14th — A special Day in The Toddler’s Life

The toddler had now started to grow and it needed its own space. Keeping this in mind, they created a website for RethinkingUX and announced its presence online on July 14th, 2020–

Before I conclude, let’s meet the man & the team behind RethinkingUX — Mayur Chaudhary and the core team, Alok Kumar, Vikas Gupta, Pradeep Reddy, Harsh Vardhan. Special mention to our captains Priya Saraswat, Akshey Walia, Nitin Gupta, Amit Kumar, Sonam Chawla, Ria Sahay, Alipta Ballav, Sameer Bhiwani, Jai Ganesh.


