Starting a Podcast

Lessons from a clueless hopeful.

Retro Thought Pod
4 min readMar 8, 2014

The World Wide Web can be quite the intimidating place for someone whose experience with it doesn’t normally include much more than spying on Facebook and watching YouTube videos. But about a year ago when I started listening to podcasts, I knew podcasting was something that I wanted to do. Recording my voice and cementing my thoughts to a sound file was a very attractive notion. The idea of connecting with like people who share the same sentiment and want to hear me talk, of course, was even more enticing.

I spent the next ten months making excuses. I am far too busy with school, work, and family. I really don’t have anything interesting to say. There is probably a hundred other podcasts out there that would be better than me; why even try? What do I have that is special and unique that would make me stand out in the huge labyrinth of podcasts? Well, the answer to that last question may still be nothing; but I finally came to the realization that none of my excuses matter. It does not matter if anybody likes my podcast because I will like it. I will listen to it. I want to look back on this, years from now, and say that I was proud that I tried and maybe there will be a person or two out there that will enjoy it.

So do I just sit in front of a mic, record my voice, put it up on the internet, and hope the world flocks to me? I could do that, but I doubt that the podcast would be very effective. I also doubt that I would stick with an ineffective podcast. I have a competitive spirit. I do not typically do things half way in the beginning. I may decide to half-heartedly do something after I have realized it is not working. But in the beginning, I take things head on and in a sprint.

It was time to devise a plan and this is where the advice starts. The plan includes four phases:

Phase I: Study. All I have listened to for the past year is podcasts. I love them. I take notes. I pick and choose the things that I think certain podcasts do right and I write it down. I want to expand upon what others do right and prevent myself from making the mistakes of others.

Phase II: Don’t Adventure Alone. This may be the most important phase. I cannot do this on my own. I feel that in order to produce an effective podcast and gain a loyal following; I need to reach out to those who are already doing that very thing. I have been completely blown away by the responses I have received from the podcast community. Everyone is willing to extend a helping hand. The community is so much like a family it is almost hard to understand. I encourage anyone who is thinking about a podcast to reach out and email the podcasts that you listen to and admire. In reaching out to those who inspired me, I have a leg up that I didn’t even know existed. Also, and I am not saying that this is a necessity, but I want to enjoy this with friends. I enjoy the company of my friends already. It is certainly easier for me to talk with other people than to try and talk by myself to a microphone. So I have assembled a team of people who I would call experts and we are moving forward together.

Phase III: Plan and Market. We can record five episodes and maybe reach a few listeners by the time we reach episode five; or we can reach out to people on social media and have a few listeners before we ever even start. Which option sounds better? I chose the latter. I have spent time on social media and time developing a website so that by the first recording; we will already have a few listeners. It may not seem like much, but in a race; I would much rather starts three feet ahead of my competition.

Phase IV: Record and Don’t Worry. This is the easiest part. I want to have fun and just talk about the things that make me happy. This world is huge. Whatever I talk about will also resonate with someone somewhere.

I still do not really know what I am doing. We have not recorded a single episode. We currently have a whopping zero listeners. We are, however, forging ahead full steam and I have the upmost confidence that we will do whatever it takes. We will put out a quality podcast. We will produce a quality website. We will actively engage with the community on social networks. Will it work? Will we be successful? Check back with me in a few months and I’ll tell you.


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Retro Thought Pod

Retro Thought Podcast, or RTP in wrestling finisher move format, is a podcast full of random thoughts and topics from years gone by.