Super Dodge Ball

2 Dudes and a NES
Retro Video Games
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2014


LOOKOUT!!! Whew, that one barely missed you!

This week the dudes take on each other in a game of dodge ball. Well, not really but they do play Super Dodge Ball for the NES. The Dudes also share many childhood stories about both dodge ball and broken collar bones.

Super Dodge Ball is a classic and at times overlooked game in the NES library. The dudes dive into the many components of this NES classic with an Olympics and Saved by the Bell feel (huh? Listen and find out).

While Super Dodge Ball may not have won the attention of many, it found it’s way into the Dudes home and they will tell you all about it and whether this is a solid pick up.

Happy Listening!

Retrofitted Trophies

Wait this isn’t Mario – Get hit while flickering thinking you will be invincible

Enter the Matrix – Dodge a ball during the game’s slow downs or flickers

Here we go Screech, kick that Commie’s hiney – Beat the game

Sam of the Dead – Beat Team Shadow (Zombie Team)

Game Rating

Type of playground equipment:

Merry Go Round



Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

