The landfill wasn’t a myth, or isn’t any more

Retro Gamers, PLAY!
2 min readApr 27, 2014

We all have dreams, and we all love urban legends.

Yesterday, one fantastic legend ended, sadly.

Video games is a brand new industry compared to others, being no more than 60-70 years old. Still, as for any tech industry, innovation goes fast, and in that period of time, events occured faster than in any other timeline.

When, in 1983, Atari decided to bury tons of unsold games, consoles, and computers in New Mexico, they probably didn’t expect, with this shameful gesture, to create one of the greatest urban legends in video games’ history. It’s referred to as the E.T. Dump, and on April 26th, the legend ended.

This is a very sad day for the world of gaming. We truly believe legends are meant to live long, and hit you to the heart and soul. After 31 years, the legend is no more, and with it’s death, it’s a part of the industry’s history that resurfaces, in a less extaordinary way. It’s boring to dig and find something, especially when you use bulldozers to do the job.

Yes, yesterday, a legend died, and it’s assassins are probably not the ones who will loose the most with this (sadly successful) operation. Thanks again, Lightbox, Fuel Entertainment, and Microsoft.

