R(en) Ferari — (They/Them)

Retrohacktive Team
Published in
1 min readSep 16, 2018

Professionally known as Ren but casually known as R, R(en) was born and raised in Nashville, TN and currently resides in New York City as a student, artist, and general nuisance to society.

R was voted second wittiest of their high school class and is still riding that high.

R is currently persuing their degree in Graphic Design and Media Production at Marymount Manhattan College and has interned for Park Slope Productions and Breakthrough U.S.

Ren believes all games should be gay. Their top favorite game series are Dishonored, Bioshock, Borderlands, and Uncharted. Ren is a self-proclaimed AAA and dystopian games expert & cheese enthusiast, though a recent development has revealed they are lactose sensitive.

Check out their portfolio here.

