Still from Sue Borchardt’s video (see below)

Getting started with Cynefin

A list of resources for students and practitioners learning about the Cynefin Framework

Marc Rettig
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2023


Introductions and overviews of Cynefin

Sue Borchardt, Cynefin in 3D

Sue Borchardt makes beautiful and carefully-studied visualizations of challenging concepts. Here she offers the Cynefin Framework, clearly, in two and a half minutes.

Jennifer Garvey Berger, Making sense of complexity — an introduction to Cynefin

Nice when you need a short, clear introduction.

Marc Rettig, short intro lecture from a past class

In our class at SVA DSI we had quite a hurried introduction to the Cynefin framework. Here is a recorded lecture from a previous class in which Marc gives more of a step by step introduction, using sketches and props to illustrate the story. (23 minutes)

From Dave Snowden himself

Here are two short videos from the man who was the primary creator of the framework, and who has continued to evolve it with a community of collaborators over the many years since.

Dave’s famous Birthday Party analogy, often quoted in Cynefin circles.

Dave’s eight-minute introductory overview of the framework.

Chris Corrigan

A tour around the latest Cynefin iteration

The Cynefin framework is evolving, both through use and through continued thinking and synthesis by Dave Snowden and the network that surrounds him. Here’s an easy-to-read tour of the latest developments, and a good overview in general.

Liz Keogh

A quick introduction to Cynefin

As good a summary as you’ll find in the thick thorny forest of Cynefin-related literature.

Note: you’ll encounter some terminology differences from the words I used in the lecture, and in Chris Corrigan’s post. The “Clear” domain was recently renamed. It used to be “Obvious.” Same for the “Confused” domain, which used to be called “Disorder.”

An introduction to Cynefin and other awesome thinking tools

Resources and blog posts from The Cynefin Co.

The Cynefin Co is Dave Snowden’s firm, which regularly posts interesting thoughts and resources for folks working to understand and employ Cynefin and the methods of sensing through mass narrative. There are many resources here, including courses and case studies. It can be a bit of a thicket for beginners, and some material is behind a membership paywall. Still, you should know this exists and explore enough to see if the blog posts are appealing to you.

Cynefin Co web site

The Cynefin wiki
MANY resources, readings, methods, etc., updated by the community of practice



Marc Rettig
Rettig’s Notes

Fit Associates, SVA Design for Social Innovation, Okay Then