Humanity As Is/Ascension/Nutritional Light Particles/New Human Template

Your Organized Bodies of Light…

With the Upgrades Underway- Will The New Human Need To Eat Food To Sustain The Body?

...TT Andromeda-Love As One❤️...
Return 2 Oneness
Published in
5 min readSep 25, 2023


What kinds of food does a Being of Light Expressing in organic form eat Or is it even necessary?

To eat or not to eat — This is the question!

Let’s Start Here-

Currently, if you are unaware, humanity is undergoing a consciousness shift that will precipitate a change in how you are presently experiencing your life.

The changes that are taking place will allow you the opportunity to descend more of your Soul’s Essence into your physical organic structure.

With these changes, you will no longer need to supplement your body with the offerings that your planet is providing for you now.

Humanity As Is-

As a Being of Light expressing in organic form you are allocated a portion of your Soul’s Essence to express yourself from the higher light of who you are.

At present, this Model of Human Being is stagnated in its expression… with the majority of your Soul’s Essence being held back from expressing itself within…



...TT Andromeda-Love As One❤️...
Return 2 Oneness

A Self-Expressionist... I'm Motivated by The Divinity of Self! Allow me to enlighten you by SHINING A LIGHT on TRUTH. Shared by The Higher Light Realities.