How AI and blockchain can alter the very fabric of society

Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2018

Welcome back! We know there has been more or less of a gap in our articles. We’re ashamed. To tell you the truth, it’s because there’s been so much fascinating stuff happening in the world that we got distracted and stayed out of touch for a while. But can you blame us? The world is changing so quickly, the science and technology are advancing so rapidly that pretty much everywhere you look something interesting happening.

For example, we’ve been fascinated by this video of a robot walking, which, according to reviews, is indistinguishable from a real human. If you’ve kept track of our articles, you know that we have been arguing the case that soon robots will be walking among us. Here we go! So, if that is possible, what else can be made possible? You already know about this, which means we could effectively eliminate paper documents altogether — and business transactions that used to take weeks will take seconds. How will that change business-making? How will AI and blockchain reshape the world?

Give it a couple of years, we say, and the AI and blockchain technology will radically alter everything we do. For every crypto-, blockchain- and Ai-enthusiast, nevertheless, there is always someone shaking their head and complaining that it’s all a work in progress and it probably won’t work anyway — because of reasons. Right? No matter how many times we debate this point with our friends and colleagues, we can never get them to provide an argument against AI that would hold a drop of water.

For example. If you read Slashdot like we do in the mornings with our moaning cup of coffee, you know that someone as serious as The World Economic Forum is warning that AI can seriously impact the world financial market, effectively changing it from the ground up.

If you’re not on the AI train, you better hop on quick. The latest and greatest from MIT Technology Review:

“Wall Street is already rapidly adopting machine learning, the technology at the center of the artificial-intelligence boom. Finance firms generally have lots of data and plenty of incentive to innovate. Hedge funds and banks are hiring AI researchers as quickly as they can, and the financial industry is experimenting with back-office automation in a big way”.

AI usage also means more security risks, as you may have predicted. After all, all it takes is a more sophisticated hacker, and it’s a fact, hackers evolve all the time. Jessie McWaters, an AI expert at The World Economic Forum, reports:

“A more networked world is more vulnerable to cybersecurity risks, and it also creates concentration risks.”

You will see a similar trend if you’re an avid reader of Forbes. Protection services use advanced algorithms, but so do hackers:

“Data deception technology products can automatically detect, analyze, and defend against advanced attacks by proactively detecting and tricking attackers. So, when you combine very smart security personnel with adaptive technology that continues to change and become smarter over time, this provides a competitive edge to defenders that have primarily been absent from most cybersecurity technologies to date…Attackers are beginning to deploy AI too, enabling it to have the ability to make decisions that benefit attackers. Meaning they will gradually develop automated hacks that are able to study and learn about the systems they target, and identify vulnerabilities, on the fly.”

So now that we have cross-referenced witness statements, you probably already know where we are going with this. You may, and we strongly recommend it, protect your assets (pun not intended) with the aid of the latest technologies, a good antivirus, deep cold storage, 2FA, biometric analysis, and so on.

However, ultimately the top layer of protection you won’t find with AI is the opinions of the community. Monitoring the real information on the Net that has been provided by real people is the quintessential protection you really ought to be using as well if you’re serious about what you do.

We strongly recommend checking with Revain before you immerse yourself into the wild and wonderful world of crypto technology, doing your research at all times, and staying up to date with our news and guides in this section, too. Happy trails!



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