Microsoft: Parents Want Blockchain In Schools

Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2018

By Nikita Kosmin

If you’ve been with us for a while, you will now that every word we utter is based on a firm belief that cryptocurrency trading is by far the most exciting and gratifying type of trading there is. It is also a very interesting niche with much to explore. While it seems that Bitcoins were just easy money at the beginning, with some people just stumbling on them accidentally and getting ridiculously rich, there’s more to crypto trading than just lucky-guessing your way into a bullish market.

Believe it or not, the now legendary individuals who have succeeded with crypto trading have mastered a number of skills. A lot of them were discussed in our articles on conquering exchanges, which you really ought to see if you’re a beginner trader (we also like to think even seasoned veterans will learn something here, but no guarantees).

One of the best ways of keeping afoot with the exponentially growing pace of the events with which the events are unfolding is signing up for news bulletins and highlights of important events.

There’s always something flashing in the bottom right corner of our screen these days — another company conquering blockchain, another exciting invention, another application in the making with some tremendous potential. In this world, keeping up to date with the news is of paramount importance, which is why we recommend checking out the likes of Slashdot in the morning — just to make sure you’re in on the latest and greatest. And news these days are decidedly groundbreaking.

For example, we more or less regularly get headings like “Why I think we should teach our kids crypto”. Does this sound a little extreme to you? We may or may not agree with the point of view that in school we really should have been taught the necessary skills like budgeting and keeping relationships together instead of high-end math, which grown-ups never use anyway, teaching children programming at a relatively early age is an interesting idea.

Besides from the fact that this could become a fantastically useful skill as the demand for IT professionals and financial analysts is rising dramatically, working hard at something a complex as the understanding code could actually make you substantially happier.

Not only did a study that was recently put together by Microsoft confirm that “When asked about the technology industry’s involvement, 75 percent of parents said they believe big tech companies should be involved in helping schools build kids’ digital skills. Many companies, including Microsoft and organizations like, are working to do just that. Programs like TEALS, which is supported by Microsoft Philanthropies, pairs trained Computer Science professionals from across the technology industry with classroom teachers to team-teach the subject.”

Also, a prominent scientist by the name Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (thank God for Google autocorrect) has long been known for his numerous works on the topic of happiness, the essence of which is that by systematically solving complex puzzles humans become substantially more happy, entering the state of “flow” and sustaining that state for prolonged periods of time. That would certainly explain why young people and students seem to be so happy — typically right until the point of the end of university when hard studying normally stops and work begins.

What do you think of the concept that trading crypto could make you rich — and studying blockchain on the side could make you euphoric? The society is still somewhat sceptical about psychology as a science because it’s so new, but the effects of Csikszentmihalyi’s work are undeniable.

If science is anything to go on, you think, you’re halfway there already. You just need to solve a few complicated puzzles (maybe try creating new blocks using a pen and a piece of paper) — and enter the state of flow and become sustainably euphoric.

There’s another side to trading, however, which you will need to pay a lot of attention to, which is background research. You could be happy but broke if you trust the wrong project, which is decidedly less awesome than being happy and affluent. The reason why we think learning to study properly is so important is that it enables you to study your competition too — and the conmen. Crimes are everywhere.

At Revain we provide you with constantly updated information and resources for studying the numbers and the facts — and more importantly, the real opinions of real people behind often carefully constructed to mislead beautiful facades of ICOs. Be prepared for all eventualities, stay with us, and look out for more news. Study, study, study.



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