Real-life Analytics: How Cross-Checking Reviews Can Make All The Difference In The World

Published in
5 min readJun 16, 2018

By Nikita Kosmin

As millions in China are not able to go on trips because of low social rating, aren’t you enjoying having access to some of the world’s best opportunities?With opportunities, however, come dangers. Making your way in the seductive, frivolous, and enchanting world of today’s crypto will require all the help you can get.

We recommend you deal with professionals to ensure you get better degree of protection (that is us). With our recent articles on the importance of being earnest and all the research we have done so far on making sure with provide you with up-to-date information regarding your assets protection. Yet, we always make a point that we do not provide an investment advice, we are positive that you can be fairly confident that you can make an intelligent choice.

Yes, 80% of all ICOS are scams according to the research by Satis Group, and now there is more evidence risk management is the new vogue. In brief, even though ICOs are as fantastic as they come according to people who run them, as more research is done into the matter the only thing that can be said is certain about ICOs is how uncertain they are. Weren’t we right to remind you of the SEC’s warning time and time again? The SEC Chairman Jay Clayton points out that their aim is to “foster innovative and beneficial ways to raise capital while ensuring — first and foremost — that investors and our markets are protected.” We trust we don’t even have to give you the link to the full statement because you read SEC’s report religiously every night before going to bed (you do, don’t you?) — but just in case.

Our platform has been built with the safety of our users in mind, and everything there pretty much revolves around having as many security layers as possible. The freshly released version 0.7 will be a testament to that (read the full guide here), but it is far from being the ultimate version. Version 1 is scheduled for release in the middle of July. Watch out for new releases soon.

Rinat Arslanov, the CEO of Revain, describes the concept of Revain in such terms:

“I have always tried to achieve the best results in my business: for me, the written information coming from clients was extremely important. A conscious, emotionally detailed, sincere and realistic opinion! Feedback takes the form of value, trust, an invisible asset generated by customers for your business … Revain is the first review platform where blockchain technology is introduced to assure the legality and sustainability of the economic model, ensuring that all information from customers is reliable and correct. Fragments of reviews are saved in the blockchain. This is a guarantee that comments will not be edited in the future.”

As you can see, while we are working continuously to add more protection to the existing algorithms, the core of our system is the concept of cross-checking the reviews left by other users. When you take a look at a hundred or so reviews left by people who have no common agenda whatsoever, you will find a common denominator, and that will be the truth.

We remember the era before there were government watchdog organizations who did this for a living using the same principle as us: plenty of deep research, an objective opinion, and an unbreakable protocol. The idea was always the same. If you wanted to find out whether something really worked, you just Googled a hundred or so reviews from different ends of the planet, and examine people’s opinions who had no reason to lie. If the common consensus was that an organization, a method described in a book or a person was to be trusted, then that was the ultimate conclusion to come to.

Of course, afterwards, there were many technical enhancements to our (and not only our) method, even though the principle of cross-checking witness statements has remained the same ever since the first Secret Service was created in the early days in Rome. If many individuals’ opinions are coinciding, you can be reasonably sure they are telling the truth.

These days, however, there are many more dangers: as technology evolves, so does psychology, and cons artists are many, and they are very industrious. What are we doing, you may ask, to make sure our security is keeping up with the times?

These are some of the improvements we have been working on, and you are sure to chuckle at their basicness when we reach version 1.0 in the same way you will probably chuckle at v. 0.2 now:

· We have an added more background research on the projects (you may have noticed the list has greatly extended). Whereas version 0.4, for example, included only rating, volume, today’s and ICO price, and open source activity, we now have extended and rather intriguing graphs, ranks, initial price, real-time token dynamics, information about the company, and user karma. That, by the way, is a collection of user’s feedback which will enable you to get an idea of how reputable they are in the community.

· We have added more security algorithms like Proof of Reviewing, which will help you prove your impact by means of a digital signature in case something goes wrong.

· We have also added a beta version of projects accounts which will allow companies to interact with users on a greater scale. There is a whole myriad of functions here, so we will let you take a look at the official release for yourself.

· We like to think we have moved on from the version 0.2, which came out a month after the test version, and which featured only users being able to write reviews, “Like”, “Dislike”, “Sell”, and “Buy” with only a handful of basic functions.

While having an extended list of advanced functions helps, we also believe that the core function of our platform is the human factor. Human opinions will be by far the most influential part of the package, and, even though we strongly advise you to do background research at all times, look at the stats, and explore the Whitepaper in as much depth as you can to make sure it conforms to the checklist, turning to the real people with real opinions will be probably the wisest thing of all.

Here is where blockchain can be the most valuable tool creating unprecedented and unparalleled opportunities. We hope you stay with us for more quality content and more opportunities to build the community in more way than one.

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