Revain’s Custom-Built AI for Review Analysis

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5 min readJan 30, 2019


Revain is a blockchain-based review platform with a goal to bring back people’s trust in online reviews. Currently, Revain is focused on reviews on projects which concluded ICO/crowdsale stage. The reviews and ratings help investors decide on their next venture. This is the ‘magic’ of custom-built artificial intelligence (AI) in action.

Set to impact every industry and business, “artificial Intelligence is the definitive technology of the 21st century”. Forrester, an American market research company providing data on the existing and potential impact of technology, reports that 62% of enterprises were already using artificial intelligence in 2018 and predicts AI will be a $47 billion market by 2020. With this groundbreaking outlook it’s important to have an understanding of AI and its impact.

Dawn of the Machines

Back in the 1950’s Minsky and McCarthy, the fathers of the AI field, described AI as any task performed by a program or a machine that would require intelligence if carried out by a human. Such AI systems typically display forms of human intelligence like planning, learning, reasoning, problem solving, recognition, motion, manipulation and partial social intelligence and creativity.

Higher levels of artificial intelligence fall into two broad categories: narrow AI and general AI. What most computers generally do — intelligent systems carrying out specific tasks without expressly being programmed to so do — is covered under narrow AI. These systems, like Siri, can only be taught to do specific tasks. General AI has “adaptable intellect and a flexible form of intelligence that is capable of learning how to carry out vastly different tasks or to reason about a wide variety of topics based on its accumulated experience.”

Rise of the Machines

There is a broad body of research involved in AI — machine learning — which supplies and enhances upon itself. In machine learning, a computer system is fed large amounts of data, which is used to master carrying out a specific task.

Deep learning is an amplified version of machine learning where neural networks — layers of interconnected algorithms — are dispersed over elaborate networks with large numbers of layers trained to use enormous amounts of data. Deep neural networks have facilitated the current ability of computers to perform tasks like speech recognition.

AI´s Master in Business

Delving into custom-built AI and using advanced technologies have already led to AI companies mastering markets given that artificial intelligence saves time and money, avoids human errors and increases productivity and revenues. AI’s algorithms can help create personalised customer experiences, resolve problems before they occur and streamline purchases, which reduces operational costs and improves efficiency.

Akin to Revain’s Platform, another company guiding markets by employing custom-built AI is Unicsoft. Unicsoft was named one of the 15-best artificial intelligence companies by ThinkMobile — a mobile app marketplace of IT companies and software products — based on its ratings of managing challenging AI projects with positive customer feedback. Banking on the rise of blockchain and AI, Unicsoft was founded focused on these two technologies. Currently headquartered in Scotland they’ve completed 120 projects over 13 years with the aid of custom-built AI, helping businesses to advance in the process.

One such project saw Unicsoft solicited by a well-known Central European e-commerce merchant to create a tool analysing customers’ feedback on goods purchased through their online marketplace. Their customer experiences were divided into three categories: positive, negative or neutral based on the tone and temperament of every word of the customer’s social postings.

Unicsoft went about cleaning and munging data and as an initial step, applying tokenization. A NLTK (national language toolkit — a tool for teaching and working in computational linguistics using Python) tool was then used to interpret synonyms, semantics, and the overall mood of feedback in a form of semantics analysis. Along with semantic analysis, language specifics, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and Data Science techniques involving a set of demographic characteristics was included to model and sum up a complex analytical solution.

Unicsoft’s team of expert analysts, mathematicians and software developers created the analytical solution which resulted in the client being able to define a marketing and sales strategy. One year after applying the solution, a 10% revenue increase was achieved, along with an overall high-level of delivery and solution architecture.

Custom AI in Action

So how does Revain’s Platform make their custom-built AI “magic” happen? Like Unicsoft, Revain realised at the beginning of the Review Review Platform project that AI would be one of its focal points. In order to fulfill the responsibility of producing genuine, transparent reviews that are helpful, Revain designed an authentication system, which comprised automatic filtering followed by a manual moderation stage using the ready-to-use reliable products of IBM Watson.

With the help of IBM Watson’s Natural Language Understanding and Tone Analyser applications, reviews on the platform were categorised as spam, positive or negative. In the subsequent manual moderation stage, the reviews were then processed manually by an in-house team. Once validated, they were entered in the blockchain, where they could not be edited or altered. Although IBM Watson solutions did an excellent job in meeting the Platform’s goals and specific tasks, the need for eliminating manual moderation was noted. This was to minimise human errors and to promote the efficient use of human resources.


In time, Revain decided to create a customised product tailored to their goals. In 2018, the switch was made to “self-written algorithms and models based on open-source solutions. The architecture, placed on AWS (Amazon Web Services) allowed for quicker and more easily scalable solutions.” It also offered a large degree of freedom in testing resulting in implementation of a large number of different models, thereby creating speed-efficient and simple machine learning models.

Monitoring of the appropriate output in the form of feedback from the Platform’s users continues to train the current models, giving them more confidence in making the right decisions. The main goal now is the introduction of more complex models that bring more quality and efficiency in the evaluation of reviews, without losing the speed and scalability of the solutions.

The challenge of quashing fake, spam and purchased reviews which devalue the Platform is an ongoing and complicated fight for Revain. Firing back tools include a large number of high-quality reviews written by users along with more advanced algorithms and models of machine learning developed by scientists and engineers. The possibility of implementing a reference-based service is also in the works.

Online reviews have an enormous impact on consumer purchases. The technology market research company, Dimensional Research reported that 90% of respondents said that positive online reviews influence their buying decisions and 86% said that their buying decisions were influenced by negative online reviews. Revain Platform’s is set to become a major influencer using its custom-built AI review analysis to provide trustworthy reviews.

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