Bridging the Divide: Kaiser Strikes and the Promise of Digital Health Transformation

Salim Afshar MD DMD FACS
Reveal AI in Healthcare
3 min readOct 6, 2023

As Las Vegas prepares to host HLTH 2023, the leading global conference on healthcare innovation, a seismic event unfolds across the American healthcare landscape: 75,000 Kaiser Permanente employees have gone on strike. The strike includes a wide spectrum of healthcare workers, from nurses to receptionists, and its timing coincides with the expiration of union contracts. This groundswell of labor discontent juxtaposed against a summit of futuristic healthcare solutions illuminates a stark divide. How can we bridge this gap and work toward a more unified, efficient, and equitable healthcare system? The answer lies in aligning thought, vision, and action to drive transformative change.

Unity of Thought: The Essential First Step

To tackle the profound issues that lead to strikes and systemic inefficiencies, there’s a dire need for unity of thought. Stakeholders — ranging from healthcare workers and hospital executives to tech innovators and policy-makers — need to come together. It’s crucial to engage in meaningful conversations that explore the pain points, challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned. By fostering a culture of dialogue and inquiry, we can begin to coalesce around guiding principles, strategic priorities, and desired outcomes. The mutual understanding that arises from these dialogues will serve as the bedrock for transformative changes in the healthcare system.

Unity of Vision: From Thought to Tangible Goals

Unity of thought sets the stage for a shared vision. What kind of healthcare system do we want? Is it technologically advanced yet compassionate, efficient but equitable? Once we have a clear, compelling vision, the next question is how to inspire diverse audiences, both within the healthcare ecosystem and beyond, to rally behind it. This vision should not be a top-down edict but a collaborative image of the future, shaped and refined by ongoing dialogue among all stakeholders. Crafting this vision involves more than boardroom discussions; it’s about developing digital strategies that resonate with the day-to-day experiences of healthcare workers and the systemic constraints under which they operate.

Unity of Action: The Path Forward

With a shared vision in place, unity of action becomes attainable. Here, hospital executives have a unique role. They need to work closely with technology partners who understand the complexities of healthcare delivery. Together, they must develop and implement digital solutions that not only meet engineering standards but also align with the institution’s financial limitations and human capital. These actionable steps could range from deploying AI-powered diagnostic tools that free up physicians’ time to introducing telehealth solutions that democratize healthcare access.

Regaining trust, particularly in the wake of events like the Kaiser strike, will not be an overnight process. But it is only through time, persistent effort, and a commitment to meaningful conversations that such trust can be rebuilt. As HLTH 2023 kicks off, it provides an opportune platform for these necessary dialogues, offering a snapshot of what could be if we succeed in aligning our collective thought, vision, and action.

For a healthcare system rife with paradoxes — technologically advanced yet fundamentally flawed, incredibly expensive yet often inefficient — the time for transformation is now. Let us seize the moment to bridge the divide and create a healthcare system that is as innovative as it is just, as efficient as it is compassionate.

