The Optimistic Perspective on AI in Primary Care Medicine

Salim Afshar MD DMD FACS
Reveal AI in Healthcare
2 min readNov 1, 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Primary Care- an optimistic perspective for the future. A call to shift perspective by Dr Salim Afshar
Artificial Intelligence and Primary Care- an optimistic perspective for the future. A call to shift perspective by Dr Salim Afshar

Recent data indicates that 32% of individuals are somewhat or very comfortable with AI-led appointments in primary care settings. While some may see this figure and focus on the remaining 68% who are skeptical or uncomfortable, I argue that it’s crucial to flip the narrative. This 32% represents a significant subset of the population, and harnessing AI’s capabilities for their care could revolutionize the healthcare sector in ways we desperately need.

Easing the Burden on Primary Care Doctors

Primary care physicians are under immense strain, juggling extensive patient loads and administrative responsibilities. If we could shift 30% of the patient base to AI-enabled primary care, imagine the time and resources this would free up for doctors. These professionals could then focus more on complex cases, research, or even simply recharge, ultimately providing better care for all.

Unlocking Greater Accessibility

By embracing the willingness of nearly a third of patients to utilize AI-led tools, we are creating a more inclusive environment. Those uncomfortable or unable to use technology for healthcare would find it easier to access traditional methods of care. With AI taking care of a segment of the population, waiting rooms would be less congested, appointment backlogs would decrease, and patient-physician interactions could be more focused and meaningful.

Not a Luxury, But a Lifesaver

To some, implementing AI in primary care might seem like an interesting feature or an optional upgrade. However, in the face of increasing healthcare demands, it’s not just a “nice to have” — it’s a lifesaving necessity. Redirecting a portion of the patient population to AI-led care isn’t just about convenience; it’s about building a sustainable, effective healthcare system that benefits everyone.

A Call to Shift Perspective

It’s high time we change our mindset about the role of AI in healthcare. By focusing on the 32% who are comfortable with AI-led appointments, we open doors to alleviating the strains on our healthcare system. This isn’t merely a speculative or futuristic concept; it’s an immediate, actionable, lifesaving solution.

I argue that instead of fixating on the barriers, let’s celebrate and utilize the inroads that AI is making in primary care. Let’s embrace the change, not for its novelty, but for its unparalleled capacity to save lives and rejuvenate an overstressed healthcare system.

To learn more about how we are approaching AI strategy and implementation, please reach out.

Dr. Salim Afshar Chief Medical and Innovation Officer of Reveal HealthTech

