A Tanka Diary

Rhiannon Scray
Published in
1 min readMay 23, 2023
Photo by Rhiannon Scray

“Should we decorate the tree?”
(our seasonal tree
favorites: fall, pride, valentine’s)
Look around:
we decorate moments with love.

A long time ago,
June told me that we
are soulmates even though
we only see each other but
twice a year. I believe her.

Remember that we were
friends first. Knowing turned
to understanding and carried
us all the way here.
I hope we never lose that.

a few feet away, you snap
photos of me dancing through
the greenery. Oh, how I love
to see myself through your eyes.

Sometimes when I think its cold
in my flannel, I see you standing
in snow, wishing for sun or sleep.
I think I should call you soon.

Here Comes the Sun:
song we danced to;
song of my childhood;
song of walks and of
dandelions, like the ones
I used to pick for you.

Here comes the sun:
one day you’ll give me
away. But I promise
I’m not going anywhere.
You were the first friend
I ever had.

