All the Good Things

Madeline Leon
Published in
1 min readFeb 6, 2018

All the good things that have happened are because of teachers.

Teachers deserve a little more respect.

Respect the people who inspired you.

You couldn’t read if it weren’t for one,

One who taught you to count and write.

Write about how much you love what you do;

Do what you love because you can.

Can we stop defining teachers by their salary?

Salary, to a teacher, is more than just money.

Money, the way they afford the supplies that make kids happy.

Happy is how they feel when it finally clicks for you.

You don’t know what teachers do.

Do you understand that their lives are based on instilling wisdom?

Wisdom and knowledge are not always what you make or what you major.

Major patience and craft are required by teachers.

Teachers’ days stretch after the bell when they go home to plan.

Plan on appreciating your teachers of the past, present and future.

Futures are dependent on the skills of their profession.

Professions of infinity are lost without those who teach.

Teach yourself to swallow your pride.

Pride is beautiful ’til you mistake yourself for the all-knowing.

Know when to stop assuming the intelligence and capabilities of individuality.

Individuality, I know, is what we all strive for.

For it matters not how we get there;

There are numerous avenues to a life of success.

Success is not driven by wealth.

Wealth is the pride in the footprint you imprint on the world for the better.

Better your morals and thank your teachers, the mentors and guides of all.

