Because She

Garrett Aja
Published in
1 min readMay 20, 2022
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

She tells me she loves me with cloudy dazed eyes

And the words whisper through her whiskey kissed lips,

Holding to the edge of her tongue, pressing to her teeth

As if they too knew it should not be said, because

She always loves me when the comedown sets in, and

She feels the need for love my love any love?

That she doesn’t have to give back to me

To pass the time between the lonely hours in her bed.

She says she wants to get high with friends,

when she wants to see him.

Though her narcotic progression is smoked, snorted,

Consumed consummated into her

Making those words sour to hear,

those words with a hand on mine

her touch a hollow grip, dripping

hollow words that slip through my ears.

She says she loves me when I buy her things

And she loves me after fights she started then cries about,

And she loves me when she lies to protect my feelings.

My feelings, that want me to believe her,

feelings she doesn’t have….. anymore.

But she lies in such a sickly sweet sway,

that I concede all too confidently.

Because she said she loved me,

Because she lies that she loves me.

