Rent Free

Paul Sandford
Published in
1 min readFeb 25, 2021
Photo by Melissa Gray on Unsplash

Do I live rent free in your mind as you do in mine?
Like an odious squatter that thinks his behavior fine?
I conjured many schemes to oust.
I made many dealings like Faust.
Yet you can’t take a hint; you choose to stay,
Living in my head rent free all live-long day.

The longer you stay, the less I care.
The apartment of my mind falls into disrepair.
To keep living in this rotten place, you’ve got some gall.
It’s a miracle this place has yet to tip and fall.
It shudders and leans whichever way the wind blows,
God damn is my brain leaking out of my fucking nose?

I sit at the dinner table with you who won’t pay rent
And laugh, realizing you’re quite the pesky rodent.
And so, I toss you one last crumb,
Grab your neck, and cast you out on your bum.

This is my home and my mind,
And thus, I will treat you graciously in kind.
How I hope I run amok,
Paying not a cent nor a buck,
Stomping my dirty feet on your floors.
Dear God, I sure hope I live rent-free in yours.

